Regulating electron configuration of single Cu sites via unsaturated N,O-coordination for selective oxidation of benzeneDeveloping highly efficient catalyst for selective oxidation of benzene to phenol (SOBP) with low HOconsumption is highly desirable for practical application, but challenge remains. Herein...
Zhang Liming,,Yue shuimei,Li Bin.A series of [Cu (N-N) (P-P)]BF4complexes:Luminescence quenching caused by electron-configuration transformation in excited state.Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2012Zhang Liming,,Yue shuimei,Li Bin.A series of [Cu (N-N) (P-P)]BF4complexes:Luminescence quenching...
RHE, because the larger cluster could lead to the Cu0 electron configuration increasing32,41. Interestingly, the Quasi-in situ XPS of the Cu/C showed different changes during the CO2RR process, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 17. The binding energy of the Cu 2p3/2 peak for the pristine ...
The ligands, which can be anions or neutral molecules, contribute to the hybridization by providing their own electron density and participating in the formation of covalent bonds. 在cunh34的情况下,杂化通常取决于中心金属原子上可用的电子轨道数量以及这些轨道与配体轨道的重叠方式。配体可以是阴离子或中性...
Single-atom catalysts offer maximal atom utilization efficiencies and high-electronegativity heteroatoms play a crucial role in coordinating reactive single metal atoms to prevent agglomeration. However, these strong coordination bonds withdraw electron
The effective construction of electron transport channels has essential significance for electron-transfer rate enhancement in REDOX processes during peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation. This study focuses on the establishment of Cu-involved covalent bonds due to the unique electron configuration of Cu ions...
The electronic structures of the chalcopyrite-type CuFeS2 and CuAl0.9Fe0.1S2 are studied by x-ray photoemission (XPS), resonance photoemission, Auger-electron, optical reflectance, and electron-energy-loss (EELS) spectroscopies. The Fe 3d-derived states are revealed by the valence-band XPS spectr...
A three-electrode configuration was used: Cu-foil working electrode, Pt gauze counter electrode, and Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The open circuit potential (OCP) of Cu foil immersed in 0.1 M KCl, KBr, or KI aqueous electrolyte was −0.115, −0.134, and −0.315 V vs. Ag/...
As displayed in the high resolution TEM (HRTEM) image and the corresponding selected area electron diffraction pattern (SAED), Co3O4 nanosheets were successfully deposited on the surface of Cu1-N-C (Supplementary Fig. 3). Figure 1b shows the aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM image of Co3O4/...
The combination of triplet O2 and singlet deoxyHc, to produce the Cu2O2 antiferromagnetic singlet in oxyHc, is believed to occur via a simultaneous charge transfer of one electron from each Cu(I) ion to O2 forming a hybrid Cu(II)-peroxy-Cu(II) configuration. A superexchange pathway is ...