“We played many games with no more than 500 people in the stands,” Harewood reflects. Born and raised in Barbados, Harewood had no intentions on playing football in college and attended Morehouse on a track scholarship, and focused on his studies as a physics major. But when the head coa...
In addition, Mizzou’s road trip to Boulder, Colo., originally scheduled for the 2025 season, will now take place on August 30, 2031. It will be the second of a home-and-home series with Mizzou’s old Big Eight/12 foe, as the Tigers host the Buffaloes in Columbia on Sept. 7, 203...
It’s time to end this power grab by Boulder and Boulder County. Given Boulder’s long history of official racial discrimination, it’s not a stretch to think skin color is at least partly behind the lack of exceptions for athletes who are tested daily. Mark / Boulderdevil Reply 83Buff s...
Stanford; Nebraska among biggest “disappointments” Fromsportnaut.com… The new college football season is already a month old, if you can believe it. The early action has led to some big surprises, along with major disappointments. Which players and programs have failed to live up to expectat...