By default functions are assumed to return the C int type. Other return types can be specified by setting the restype attribute of the function object. Here is a more advanced example, it uses the strchr function, which expects a string pointer and a char, and returns a pointer to a str...
find_library(name) 尝试寻找一个库并返回路径名称。 name 是库名称并且不带任何前缀如 lib 以及后缀如 .so,.dylib 或版本号(形式与 posix 链接器选项 -l 所用的一致)。 如果找不到库,则返回 None。 确切的功能取决于系统。 ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() 仅限Windows:返回 Python 以及扩展模块所使用的 VC ...
This example calls both functions with a NULL pointer (None should be used as the NULL pointer): >>> >>> print(libc.time(None)) 1150640792 >>> print(hex(windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(None))) 0x1d000000 >>> 注解 调用该函数,若 ctypes 发现传入的参数个数不符,则会甩出一个异常 ValueE...
ctypes使用fastc.so的代码如下: import ctypesfrom ctypes import *from ctypes.util import find_libraryimport time# 定义结构,继承自ctypes.Structure,与C语言中定义的结构对应class Point(ctypes.Structure):_fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_double), ('y', ctypes.c_double)]class Test(ctypes.Structure):_fie...
ctypes.util.find_library(name) :尝试寻找一个库,然后返回其路径名, name 是库名称, 且去除了 lib 等前缀 和 .so 、 .dylib 、版本号 等后缀(这是 posix 连接器 -l 选项使用的格式)。如果没有找到对应的库,则返回 None 。 确切的功能取决于系统。 在Linux 上, find_library() 会尝试运行外部程序(/...
This example calls both functions with a NULL pointer (None should be used as the NULL pointer): >>> >>> print(libc.time(None)) 1150640792 >>> print(hex(windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(None))) 0x1d000000 >>> 注解 调用该函数,若 ctypes 发现传入的参数个数不符,则会甩出一个异常 ValueE...
# Lib C functions _libc = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('c')) = [ctypes.c_void_p] = ctypes.c_void_p # Lib shared functions _libblog = ctypes.CDLL("./") _libblog.increment_string.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int] ...
ctypes.util.find_library(name) :尝试寻找一个库,然后返回其路径名, name 是库名称, 且去除了 lib 等前缀 和 .so 、 .dylib 、版本号 等后缀(这是 posix 连接器 -l 选项使用的格式)。如果没有找到对应的库,则返回 None 。 确切的功能取决于系统。 在Linux 上, find_library() 会尝试运行外部程序(/...
To find out the correct calling convention you have to look into the C header file or the documentation for the function you want to call. On Windows, ctypes uses win32 structured exception handling to prevent crashes from general protection faults when functions are called with invalid argument...
ctypes does not support passing unions or structures with bit-fields to functions by value. While this may work on 32-bit x86, it’s not guaranteed by the library to work in the general case. Unions and structures with bit-fields should always be passed to functions by pointer. ...