CTY® Summer Camp Closing Ceremony >>> 骄阳正好,盛夏长鸣,青春鼎沸。 7月14日-8月9日,过去四周的全封闭CTY夏校如同一场精心编排的旅程,带领着营员们踏上了知识与自我成长的探索之路。在这段时间里,营员们不仅在课堂上汲取历史文...
Stanley博士并不鼓励学生跳级或者以提前入读的方式来加速完成学业,而是鼓励学生利用周末或平时业务时间,特别是暑假来充实和括展自己的知识内容,对自己的学习能力进行一些挑战。 我个人比较认同CTY的原因是,它是目前我所知道的小学生可以读的...
The party at the last day of summer camp was really exciting, the snacks was pretty good and I was really happy about it. I chat with my friends that I might never ever meet again and I had a nice time. In conclusion, I made som...
CTY归来:参加全球“天才少年”夏令营是一种怎样的体验? 转眼暑假已经余额不足,满世界参加夏令营的孩子们也已经陆续回到家中,该倒时差的倒时差,该赶作业的赶作业。是时候来回顾总结一下这一季的游学与营地体验啦! 未来几天,你将陆续读到我们“2019夏令营回顾特辑”中的几篇文章,其中既有少年们自己写的真实体验,也有...
https://www.rumseyhall.org/summer/summer-camp Rumsey Hall School,成立于1900年,自成立以来已有 100 多年,是一所历史悠久的男女同校寄宿中学。学校位于康涅狄格州的 Washington, 占地有 231 英亩。在校学生有 309 人,一起在 32 ...
There was plenty free time at this summer camp for students to just exercise and do what they want to do. Since the summer camp is residential, students are living together and are able to discuss about math even in the evening....
(courses requiring qualifying Advanced CTY-level), I must learn it as soon as possible. During the summer vacation of my third grade, I participated in the online writing workshop of the CTD summer camp of Northwestern University, and wrote the...
___typical summer camps full of outdoor "fun",CTY is truly a camp for nerds(书虫)with___after class such as "Star Wars battle with pool noodles” and "Harry Potter Jeopardy". I fell in love with Sycamore's___in Saratoga Springs,New York,a tiny town I had never heard of,and ...
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中国学生,可以关注CTY线上课程(online program)或者夏令营(summer camp)。除了所要求的孩子对应的年龄及年级,每种课程需要不同的申请条件。 以上所提到的SCAT考试、夏令营及在线课程的申请,都可以在文首介绍的这个网站完成。 如何申请CTY 2020/02/05 对于中国学生来说,想要参加CTY的夏校,最简单的就是参加SCAT考试,然...