" CTRL-Z is Undo; not in cmdline though noremap <C-Z> u inoremap <C-Z> <C-O>u " CTRL-Y is Redo (although not repeat); not in cmdline though noremap <C-Y> <C-R> inoremap <C-Y> <C-O><C-R> " Alt-Space is System menu if has("gui") noremap <M-Space> ...
Debugbar reveals all that this essential keyboard shortcut is capable of to boost your daily productivity. Table of Contents Ctrl + Z: the universal shortcut to undo an action Whether you’re on Windows, Mac, or Linux, the Ctrl + Z key combination (or Cmd + Z on Mac) works the ...
Ctrl + Z (Undo) F2 (Rename Selected Item) Alt + Tab (Switch Between Open Windows) PrtScn / SysRq (Take a Screenshot) What kind of tasks can I use the Alt-Tab shortcut for? What are the benefits of learning keyboard shortcuts?
How does Ctrl+Z relate to Ctrl+X? Ctrl+Z is another commonly used keyboard shortcut that allows you to undo previous actions. If you accidentally cut something using Ctrl+X and want to undo the action, simply use the Ctrl+Z shortcut. ...
放大后: 可以看到edit栏下有undo(撤销)和redo(把撤销恢复)同时后面还有快捷键显示出来 也就是说可以通过edit栏进行操作,或是通过快捷键:ctrl+z撤销或者是ctrl+shift+z恢复撤销内容 智能推荐 AndroidStudio全局搜索快捷键(Ctrl+Shift+F)失效解决方法(win系统设置) ...
app.config multiple values for a key App.config not being referenced app.config or settings.settings App.Config with |DataDirectory|\database.mdf and full path Apparantly this is rocket science. How do you change system audio volume with C#? Append text in the first line of files Appending...
Control Z Undo Redo Command Ctrl Z Cs Professional Suite Ctrl a Ctrl C, Ctrl V or Ctrl Z? - What Your Computer's Buttons Can Do Ctrl Y Ctrl Z Ctrl Z Movie Ctrl+f6 Next Window Ctrl+o Open File Ctrl+tab Next Window Ctrl+v Paste ...
There was a bug where Ctrl+Z would jump back multiple states in history. It was fixed in 24.1.1. Details here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-undo-history-is-not-functioning-as-it-shou... The translator may not have worked perfectly, so this may or may not...
Could you please post your solution here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-xd/i-found-the-reason-of-undo-or-ctrl-z-not-working/td-p/116277... so that the affected customers can try this at confirm if the solution is working for them? Thanks, Harshika Votes Upvote Translate ...
方法如下,我们覆盖了IE默认的Ctrl-Z和Ctrl-Y功能,用一个长度固定的Queue存放文本区每次改变的值,因为输入文本存在连续输入的可能,所以我们作了一个延时器,当1秒后再无任何动作后,才将value值保存,同时IE在每次Undo的时候都会将光标位置保留,所以我们又用了一个同样的Queue纪录光标的位置,具体代码如下 ...