重新选择Reselect:Ctrl+Shift+D 反选Inverse:Ctrl+Shift+I 全选All:Ctrl+A 隐藏Hidden:Ctrl+H 羽化选区Feather:Shift+F6 变换选区Transform Selection:Alt+S,T 说明:这操作实质是调用菜单项。 添加到选区:按住Shift键 从选区中减去:按住Alt键 与选区交叉:按住Shift+Alt键 选择并遮住:Ctrl+Alt+R ◆◆◆ 图层与...
缩放-Zoom (Z) 默认前景和背景色-The default foreground and background color (D) 切换前景和背景色...
更新贴图(Map) 【Alt】+【Shift】+【Ctrl】+【M】 将Unwrap视图扩展到全部显示 【Alt】+【Ctrl】+【Z】 框选放大Unwrap视图 【Ctrl】+【Z】 将Unwrap视图扩展到所选材质点的大小 【Alt】+【Shift】+【Ctrl】+【Z】 缩放到Gizmo大小 【Shift】+【空格】 缩放(Zoom)工具 【Z】 反应堆(Reactor) 建立(Crea...
Ctrl+Z Undo an operation.There are 11 levels of history.Ctrl+left mouse Inverse sculpt,like right mouse buttonShift+left mouse Smooth shortcutMousewheel Zoom in and outShift+mousewheel Adjust brush sizeCtrl+mousewheel Adjust brush strengthPlus/minus keys Same as mousewheel,i.e.zoom,size,strength...
一、基本操作快捷键 1、Ctrl+C:复制 2、Ctrl+V:粘贴 3、Ctrl+X:剪切 4、Ctrl+Z:撤销 5、Ctrl+A:全选 6、Ctrl+S:保存 7、Ctrl+N:新建 8、Ctrl+O:打开 9、Ctrl+F:查找 10、Alt+Tab:切换窗口 二、浏览器快捷键 1、Ctrl+T:新建标签页 2、Ctrl+W:关闭标签页 3、Ctrl+Shift+T:恢复关闭的标签页...
2.1.1800 Part 4 Section, argSz (Argument Size) 2.1.1801 Part 4 Section, bar (Bar) 2.1.1802 Part 4 Section, barPr (Bar Properties) 2.1.1803 Part 4 Section, baseJc (Matrix Base Justification) 2.1.1804 Part 4 Section, borderBox (Border-Box...
unique(roi_inds, return_inverse=True, return_counts=False, dim=0) else: new_coors = unq_inv = None point_feat_list = [] out_feats = pts_features f_cluster = torch.cat([pts_info['local_xyz'], pts_info['boundary_offset'], pts_info['is_in_margin'][:, None], rel_xyz], dim...
alpha =1.0- (z - m_scale_ctrl_z.value2()) * m_slider_ctrl_sel.value() *100.0; }if(alpha >1.0) alpha =1.0;if(alpha <0.0) alpha =0.0;if(alpha >0.0) { e1.init(m_points[i].x, m_points[i].y, m_slider_ctrl_size.value() *5.0, ...
The resultant inverse matrix is produced as: Applications CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER is used in many applications in Excel. Creating an array formula in matrix operations such as multiplication. Creating an array formula in determining the sum of the set of values. Replacing the hundreds of formulas ...
des_a_z = limit_des_acc(2); debug_msg_.fb_a_x = pid_error_accelerations(0); //debug debug_msg_.fb_a_y = pid_error_accelerations(1); debug_msg_.fb_a_z = pid_error_accelerations(2); debug_msg_.des_a_x = total_des_acc(0); debug_msg_.des_a_y = total_des_acc(1); ...