F10(suspend/resume process). F12(on/off borderless fullscreen). F11(un/lock mouse cursor in active window). Pause(ALT+F4/hold restarts PC). Control 4button Mouse with keyboard. Insert a character by long pressing the key. LWin(CTRL+F, hold/double shows/h
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead][modifier:alt,target=mouseover,exists]/focus [target=focus,noexists]mouseover/cast [modifier:shift,nomodifier:alt,nomodifier:ctrl,target=focus][target=mouseover]恐惧1、这个宏只会锁定鼠标指向的目标并且恐惧他,如果你的鼠标指向没有目标,那么会恐惧你当前的目标,但是并不锁定...
Hello, I have seen a lot of discussions on this topic, and it is still mind-boggling that there is still no solution after 7-8-9 years... The...
We only want the monitor with mouse cursor active show only its apps, don't show apps of another monitors, for example there are two monitors A and B:-When the mouse cursor on the monitor A, press Ctrl + Alt + Tab will show all apps of monitor A on monitor A, don't show apps ...
-When the mouse cursor on the monitor B, press (Ctrl + Alt + Tab) will show all apps of monitor B on monitor B, don't show apps of monitor A on monitor B. The Task View(Win + Tab) work fine for this one but it show apps on all monitors, ...
Yes I use a mouse with the surface pro 3 and my workstation though both have pen and touch. For me a mouse is a better input device then my fat finger. On the surface Pro 3 Photoshop UI is so small using the mouse is easier then using the pen. Scaling Photoshop UI is...
in terminal emulators or command line interfaces, ctrl+k serves as a shortcut to clear the text from the cursor position to the end of the line. this feature is useful when you want to discard a command or input and start fresh without having to manually delete the content. how can ...
in Windows 11: For a few months now, the Show pointer location when I press the CTRL key feature has stopped working on my Windows 11 computer.The setting is still available under Settings > Bluetooth & Devices > Mouse > Additional mouse settings tab:Pointer Opti...
Ctrl + Del:Deletes word to right of cursor. Ctrl + Backspace:Deletes word to left of cursor. Ctrl + End:Moves the cursor to the end of the document. Ctrl + Home:Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. Ctrl + Spacebar:Reset highlighted text to the default font. ...
REAPER-View: Show undo history window Opera-Undo closing tab Moonlight Stream-(on rooted devices) Toggle capturing the mouse cursor All programs All programs using this shortcut, by category. Developer tools (4) # Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)-Debug.Processes ...