Ctrl + Shift + F:Change the font. Ctrl + Shift + >:Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increases font +2pts. Ctrl + ]:Increase selected font +1pts. Ctrl + Shift + <:Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower, if above 12 decreases font by +2pt. Ctrl + [:...
ctrl+end and ctrl down arrow are related but perform different functions. ctrl+end takes the cursor to the absolute end of the document, while ctrl down arrow moves the cursor to the next empty line or the start of the next paragraph, depending on the context. in short, ctrl+end ...
Windows版快捷键 Mac版快捷键 选区图层 ctrl+shift或者D+右键 command+shift或者D+右键 移动视图 空格 空格 旋转画布 shift+空格或者R shift+空格或者R 放大/缩小 鼠标滚轮ctrl+空格/alt+空格ctrl++/ctrl+- 鼠标滚轮command+空格/option+空格command++/command+- 前景色与背景色切换 shift+空格或者R shift+空格...