iPhone 网页搜索关键字:总结 通过iPhone 网址列开始网页搜寻 如果想要在一大篇文章中快速找到目标关键字在电脑上很容易,只要按下 Ctrl+F 或是 macOS 上的 Command+F 就可以叫出搜索的功能。 但是如果在 iPhone 上,你必须要从网址栏叫出网页搜索功能。 例如我想要在整篇文章中寻找「iPhone」这个关键词,那我就在网...
Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Description is just simle as this: Ctrl+F for real world. Yes, SearchCam provides you to search text with your camera on real world objects, papers, images.. anything printed.. An OCR app on your hands. Type any text and just hold up your iPhone/iPad...
Description is just simle as this: Ctrl+F for real world. Yes, SearchCam provides you to search text with your camera on real world objects, papers, images.. anything printed.. An OCR app on your hands. Type any text and just hold up your iPhone/iPad.What...
Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Description is just simle as this: Ctrl+F for real world. Yes, SearchCam provides you to search text with your camera on real world objects, papers, images.. anything printed.. An OCR app on your hands. Type any text and just hold up your iPhone/iPad...
/* if touchevents from iphone */ if (event.type == "touchstart") if(event.touches.length == 1) { // Only deal with one finger var touch = event.touches[0]; // Get the information for finger #1 var node = touch.target; // Find the node the drag started from (redundant) ...
STP Admin Physical Physical Link Link Pr Type Stat Mode Mode Status Status Trap POE -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 Normal Forw Enable Auto 10000 Full Up Enable N/A 2 Normal Forw Enable Auto 10000 Full Up Enable N/A Up のリンクス テー タスは, コントロ...
2010.08 [trendmicro] Online iPhone Jailbreak Uses iOS Vulnerabilities LLDB 工具 [8031星][3m] [Py] facebook/chisel Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps. [784星][3m] [C++] nodejs/llnode An lldb plugin for Node.js and V8, which enables inspection of JavaScrip...
Uses updated Google Blockly software to allow users to edit their OpModes on Apple iOS devices (including iPad and iPhone). Improvement in Blocks tool to handle corrupt OpMode files. Autonomous OpModes should no longer get switched back to tele-op after re-opening them to be edited. The syst...
iPhone, IP/TV, iQ Expertise, the iQ logo, iQ Net Readiness Scorecard, iQuick Study, LightStream, Linksys, MeetingPlace, MGX, Networkers, Networking Academy, Network Registrar, PIX, ProConnect, ScriptShare, SMARTnet, StackWise, The Fastest Way to Increase Your Internet Quotient, and TransPath are...