Ctrl + Z:Ctrl + Z 是最常用的撤回快捷键组合。无论是在文本处理软件、图像编辑工具还是其他应用程序中,按下Ctrl + Z组合键可以撤销上一次操作。例如,您可以撤销刚刚删除的文字、撤回意外的格式更改或恢复删除的文件等。Mac中撤回的快捷键是Command+Z。Ctrl + Y:Ctrl + Y 是撤销操作的反向操作,也称为重...
返回上一步操作通常使用撤销(Undo)功能实现。当按下返回快捷键时,操作系统或应用程序会检测到该快捷键并执行相应的撤销操作,将用户进行的最后一步操作恢复到之前的状态。2. 常见的返回上一步快捷键:在Windows操作系统中,常用的返回上一步快捷键是Ctrl+Z。在Mac操作系统中,常用的返回上一步快捷键是Command+Z...
在计算机和软件操作中,一个常见的英语缩写“CTRL-Z”代表着“Undo command”,中文直译为“撤消命令”。这个快捷键在全球范围内广泛使用,用于撤销用户执行的上一个操作,确保在需要时能够回溯更改。它被归类在计算机领域,特别是在软件操作中扮演着关键角色。具体来说,当用户按下CTRL-Z,系统会撤销上一...
Tesler 还指出,Apple+Z 键最初同时用作 Undo 和 Redo 键,而不是我们现在知道的多步骤 Undo(在 Windows 上Ctrl+Y通常是 Redo),这使得他对撤消的字母“Z”更有意义。显然,这些键也很方便,因为它们位于键盘的左下角,靠近元键,例如 Apple(在 Lisa 上)、Command(在 Mac 上)和 Control(在 PC 上...
[SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Connection is busy with results for another command [closed] [win 10, c#] Interop - Generic way to know if a window is Minimized, Maximized or Normal? [Y/N] Prompt C# \r\n not working! \t is not working but \n does #C code to Read the sectors on...
还原Undo:Ctrl+Z 说明:2019版以后可撤销多步,与大数软件相同。 重做Redo:Ctrl+Shift+Z 切换最终状态Toggle Last State:Ctrl+Alt+Z 说明:2019版以后仅撤销一步。 恢复Revert:F12 说明:恢复到最后一次保存时的状态。 复制与粘贴 拷贝Copy:Ctrl+C 粘贴Paste:Ctrl+V ...
The thing is, i dont understand how the undo command works here. it's not a regular undo, that's for sure. Now that i've found the option in the right click menu (very unintuitive place) it just doesnt seem to work how one would expect. Last thing that happened a couple of minu...
unfortunately, ctrl enter doesn't usually have an undo function. once you've pressed those keys, the action they trigger is usually carried out immediately. why is there no undo for ctrl enter actions? ctrl enter is often used for actions that are straightforward and generally don't need to...
Find out the basics of the CTRL+O keyboard command, how to use it, and discover whether or not you can undo something once performed with this function.
Option + Command + L:抽取本地变量(可以直接把一些魔法数字和字符串抽取成一个变量,尤其是多处调用的时候) Option + Shift + F:把Class中的Local变量变为Field变量(比较实用的功能) Option + Command + Z:重构的后悔药(Undo) 转自:mac下eclipse的快捷键 - 豆瓣...