兵法论道 | 2024年冠脉介入进阶培训项目(CTO in Arms) “潮涌舟稳绘宏图、奋楫扬帆正当时”,2018年6月,由韩雅玲院士倡导并在全军心血管介入质控委员会的指导下,“战友CTO介入创新协作组”(英文简称:CTO in Arms)正式成立,目前CTO ...
2024年6月20-23日第二十八届东北心血管病大会(NCC 2024)在沈阳顺利召开,CTO in arms论坛板块自开办以来已经历6个春秋,培养了一批又一批的CTO介入人才。在这个初夏,各位专家学者又齐聚一堂,给我们带来了又一视听盛宴。 2024年6月22日下午上半场特邀李建平教授...
Recently, I was recommended for a CTO position in a manufacturing company by a cybersecurity provider. I’d spoke and was interviewed by the HR Manager and the CEO of the manufacturing company. They told me that besides psychometric tests I woul...
Who's the Chief Technology Officer? What are their key responsibilities in a tech company? What are the core skills and backgrounds to become one?
I am giving tips on salary, promotions and your CTO career on the Inkmi Blog. Do you want to become a CTO of a company? How to start? Why do you want to become a chief technology officer? Is there a roadmap to become CTO? Quite some questions to answer, let me tell you how I...
11.Participate in bi-weekly calls with the company during EST to provide status on potential customers and customer communications, and address technical matters. 按照时区,参加公司双周电话会议,提供潜在客户开发和客户沟通情况,并汇报技术问题。 12.Identify trades shows and clinical meetings and set-up an...
Over coffee, Anthony offered that, in a company the size of his, he knew he would find “innovation heroes“–the individuals others in the company point to who single-handedlyfought the systemand got a new product, project, or service delivered. But if that was all his company had, ...
In order to perform tasks, and to give consideration to their responsibilities, the CTOs have technical knowledge and a background in business areas. However, specific skills such as project management skills and problem solving/analyzing skills were less expected. All the CTOs mentioned that ...
“A small company CTO is almost always very hands-on and knows the code and all of the engineers working on it. Successful delivery of company product, and seeing it evolve in the face of growing customer usage, is a must-have experience. For a larger company, the role will often split...
A chief technology officer is a high-ranking, executive-level position in a company, part of the senior-level "c-suite." So applicants may need more than 15 years of experience in the IT field before being considered for a CTO job. ...