Complete Troops and Logistics Deployment for DCS World License This script has been created by Ciribob (contact him on Discord) and is now maintained by Zip (contact him on Discord) and the VEAF Team. It's open-source and free as in free beer (you don't have to pay to use it), ...
Join my discord server: There you can tell me if there are bugs or something strange. Performance wise, it's working for us. 许可: 免费- 免费版, 不允许分发 语言: 英文 大小: 7.11 Mb 下载数: 759 评论: 14标签...
Issue on Discord "sat" devices are identified as "scsi" with--scan, and then later code attempts to validate the type by callingsmartctlwith the "scsi" type. This validation can trigger unintended "Enabling discard_zeroes_data" messages in system logs (dmesg). To address this specific issue...
Stackable Data Platform|Platform Docs|Discussions|Discord This repository contains the Stackable librarystackable-cockpit, the Stackable CLI toolstackablectl, the Stackable Cockpit serverstackable-cockpitd, and the web-based admin user interface.
How do I disable all quest popups in Discord? Why isn't my beautiful city of light full of smog from the factories right below it? Does an ORCID alone convey any information? Confused about wheel size 700X35 vs 622X19 When objects fall from the far Solar System ...