DCS-CTLD Complete Troops and Logistics Deployment for DCS World License This script has been created by Ciribob (contact him on Discord) and is now maintained by Zip (contact him on Discord) and the VEAF Team. It's open-source and free as in free beer (you don't have to pay to us...
DCS World 2.9 F/A-18C 下载 Foothold Caucasus Extended, Dynamic spawn, CTLD, MANTIS and more.类型- 联机任务 上传者 - lekaa 日期- 2024-10-28 23:29:10 Map - Caucasus Special thanks to Dzsekeb, the original creator of Foothold, without whom none of this would be possible. Thanks to the...
DCS-CTLD Complete Troops and Logistics Deployment for DCS World Contents This script is a rewrite of some of the functionality of the original Complete Combat Troop Transport Script (CTTS) by Geloxo (http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=108523), as well as adding new features. Contents ...