Spreads Protection Strategies Straddles & Strangles Horizontal Spreads Butterfly Spreads Condor Strategies company News & Headlines Key Statistics SEC Filings Competitors Stock Comparison Insider Trades analysts Earnings Estimates Analyst Ratings financials Financial Summary Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow...
The screener displays probability calculations based on the delayed stock price at the time the strategy is updated. The new day's options data will start populating the screener at approximately 8:55a CT. Strikes that have not traded today are excluded from the results. About Covered Calls Sel...
The screener displays probability calculations based on the delayed stock price at the time the strategy is updated. The new day's options data will start populating the screener at approximately 8:55a CT. Strikes that have not traded today are excluded from the results. About Naked Puts Sellin...
Help ABarchart Premiermembership lets you screen on these options using advanced filters, including strategies for Covered Calls, Naked Puts and Option Spreads. Screen on volatility, expiration date, moneyness, volume and more. Sign up for a risk-free 30-day trial today ...
Year T-Note2 Year T-NoteUltra T-Note30 Day Fed Funds3-Month SOFRCrude Oil BrentCrude Oil WTIGas OilUK Natural GasDutch TTF GasRBOB BlendstockHeating OilEuro BundEuro BoblEuro SchatzEuro BuxlEuro OAT Long-TermEuro BTP Long-TermEurex Conf Long-TermEuro Bono Long-Term10-Year Long Gilt3-...
The Trade price is colored to determine bullish or bearish sentiment. 1. Bullish –If a call trades on the ask/offer, or a put trades on the bid, a bullish sentiment would be attached to the trade as all things constant, these trades increase in value on a move higher in the stock....