早期古神(或称旧神)在不同的小说故事中有不同的称呼方式,诸如Great Old Ones、Ancient Ones等等,起因于当时还未将克苏鲁传说体系化,随作者的喜好用词而不同,用语之混乱连带导致中文资料也有混淆不清的情形,直到后来整理出一个系统后才统一都使用古神(Elder Gods)来称呼。 古神是有历史记载的神,如,巴斯特、修浦諾...
He is omnipotent beyond the power of the Great Old Ones, such as Cthulhu, and even his fellow Outer Gods, including Yog-Sothoth and Yibb-Tstll, and all other beings — and is the sole most powerful being in the entire mythos.Azathothis seen as the all-powerful creator of all of exis...
noun an otherworldly entity, usually portrayed as a gigantic winged creature with a humanoid body and a tentacled face, that was created by the horror writer H.P. Lovecraft in the 1928 short storyThe Call of Cthulhuand became an important part of Lovecraft's mythos, later also becoming apopu...
P. Lovecraft that happened to correspond to beings that exist outside the universe. There have been some references to the official names used in the Cthulhu Mythos at times, but TYPE-MOON avoids directly linking the names to the Outer Gods portrayed in the story.References...
An index to gods, books, people, and places in the Cthulhu Mythos stories of H.P. Lovecraft and his friends
An index to gods, books, people, and places in the Cthulhu Mythos stories of H.P. Lovecraft and his friends
However, other authors have expressed different ideas about the familial relations of Cthulhu and the other gods of the Mythos. Clark Ashton Smith, in his letters to R. H. Barlow, suggests that Cthulhu is the offspring of the androgynous Cxaxukluth (itself an offspring of Azathoth), and the...
Each story presents its own challenges and also plays a part of a larger campaign, which unfolds around you as you play. It is a great way to introduce yourself to the thrill of Call of Cthulhu, or, if you are already a player, to dive into a game and get a touch of Mythos on ...
Genre Fantasy (High Fantasy) Horror (Cthulhu Mythos) Setting Aventurien Category Campaign Setting (game world) Mechanic Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc) Skill Based (buy or gain skills) System d20 System Publisher's blurb The Cthulhu Vademecum describes the gruesome and horrib...
原文在这里发不了,请看链接https://www.cthulhuclub.com/mythos-stories/the-call-of-cthulhu/ 十个晴天 9-25 0 【达芬棋跑团】本周模组推荐《贝尔家族系列——贝尔旧居》 疯子守密人 一个位于美国爱荷华州冬日溪小镇西南方向的废弃农舍最近并不太平,先是有匿名者声称路过时目击到超自然现象,然后又有人...