CTFHub_2021-第四届红帽杯网络安全大赛-Web-find_it(.swp备份文件源码泄露、代码审计、正则表达式绕过) 访问robots.txt发现提示 1ndexx.php 直接访问不到,需要访问vim的保存的缓冲类型文件.swp,访问之后获取到源码。 1 /.1ndexx.php.swp 审计源码 <?php#Really easy...$file=fopen("flag.php","r") ordie(...
Challenge | 2020 | 之江杯 | findit点击此处获得更好的阅读体验 WriteUp来源 来自Venom战队 题目描述 这是一个部分损坏的固件,其中http access的后门账户密码已经被污染。请找出后门账户的用户名及密码, 已知密码由可见的非空白字符组成,且任意两字符ascii码的差大于10。Flag格式为 md5(strcat(用户名,密码) 题目...
2021-第四届红帽杯网络安全大赛-Web-find_it备份泄露字典扫完以后发现了robots.txt响应为200,得到提示:1ndexx.php无法直接访问,继续尝试/.1ndexx.php.swp,得到源码:<?php #Really easy... $file=fopen("flag.php","r") or die("Unable 2 open!"); $I_know_you_wanna_but_i_will_not_give_you_hhh...
Here, we need to handle the line breaks; the default line break encoding is%0A, but we need to change it to%0D%0A. So, we search forFind / Replacein the left and drag it to the function bar to configure accordingly: gopher://
I don’t know that what their challenege description means I just focused on ciphertext and key and considered it as XOR problem but if you blindly try to solve the XOR with key it won’t work if you analyse the cipher text pattern you will find thatfis being used for spacing so simp...
So we don't just need to truncate the file name , stay road It's going to have to be cut off so that we can find what you've passed on shell then 00 Cut off whether it is 0x00 still %00 It's all OK %00 Is decoded by the server as 0x00 ...