let pattern= /(process|\[.*?\]|exec|spawn|Buffer|\\|\+|concat|eval|Function)/g;if(code.match(pattern)) {thrownewError("what can I say? hacker out!!"); } } app.post('/',function(req, res) { let code=req.body.code; let sandbox= Object.create(null); let context=vm.createCo...
$unout) { throw new Exception("\n wrong cookie"); } // 设置对象的my_secret属性为FLAG的值 $unout->my_secret = $FLAG; // 检查is_admin属性是否为0(md5加密后的0),以及your_secret是否等于my_secret if ($unout->is_admin == 0 && $unout->your_secret === $unout->my_secret) { /...
const APIError = require('../rest').APIError; module.exports = { 'POST /api/register': async (ctx, next) => { const {username, password} = ctx.request.body; if(!username || username === 'admin'){ throw new APIError('register error', 'wrong username'); } if(global.secrets.le...
但是writeType有条件限制 privatevoidwriteType(Stringtype)throwsIOException{this.flushIfFull();intlen=type.length();if(len==0){thrownewIllegalArgumentException("empty type is not allowed");}else{if(this._typeRefs==null){this._typeRefs=newHashMap();}IntegertypeRefV=(Integer)this._typeRefs.get...
}if( !$this->_sock ) {thrownewException('Unable to connect to FastCGI application: '.$errstr); }if( !$this->set_ms_timeout($this->_readWriteTimeout ) ) {thrownewException('Unable to set timeout on socket'); } } }privatefunctionbuildPacket($type,$content,$requestId=1){$clen= ...
const { stack } = new Error(); Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined; stack.process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 可以看到直接给自定义了一个变量LocalWeakMap存储了WeakMap方法对应的get和set,这样即使对WeakMap.prototype.set重写了,最后set的时候也是调用的是localWeakMapSet ...
(outputBuffer.length < utf8Buffer.length) throw new Error("Buffer too small for encodeUtf8String"); outputBuffer.set(utf8Buffer); return utf8Buffer.length;} mojo.internal.decodeUtf8String = function(buffer) { return Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer....
throw new Exception("变量值必须小于等于 1"); } return true; } // 在 try 块 触发异常 try { checkNum(2); // 如果抛出异常,以下文本不会输出 echo '如果输出该内容,说明 $number 变量'; } // 捕获异常 catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage(); ...
4. throw new APIError('login error', 'no such secret id'); 5.} 6.const secret = global.secrets[sid]; 7.const user = jwt.verify(token, secret, {algorithm: 'HS256'}); 8.const status = username === user.username && password === user.password; ...
1.const sid = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString()).secretid; 2.console.log(sid) 3.if(sid === undefined || sid === null || !(sid < global.secrets.length && sid >= 0)) { 4. throw new APIError('login error', 'no such secret id'); 5.}...