name = "CTeXFonts", version = "v1.0", date = "2009/06/08", } -- default settings settings = { -- options type1 = false, updmap = false, encoding = "GBK", cjkname = "song", cjkmap = "cjk", ttfdir = (os.getenv("SYSTEMROOT") or ".") .. [[\Fonts]], destdir = [[...
Macro Packages and Scripts for Chinese TeX users. Contribute to CTeX-org/ctex-kit development by creating an account on GitHub.
Latex ctex \cite参考文献标号“?”TexShop v2013 XeLaTeX关于\cite的基本设置如下:\documentclass[UTF8,nofonts,a4paper,12pt,twosides,openany]{ctexart}.\usepackage{cite} \newcommand{\ucite}[1]{\textsuperscript{\cite{#1}}}.\begin{document}\bibliographystyle{unsrt} blablabla\cite{ref1}blablabla ....
stone-zeng added the package/ctex label Sep 17, 2020 Author wenxingguo commented Sep 17, 2020 • edited It really does not work, but I solve this problem by moving the Kaiti.ttc to /Library/Fonts. It seems that the fc-list program cannot find fonts in non-standard path. Contribut...
MWE: Bib: Compile: latexmk -lualatex -bibtex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error --shell-escape mwe.tex TEX: Texlive 2024 + ctex 2.5.10 OS: ...