The environmental studies is a very scoring section. This section consists of 30 questions. Each correct response carries 1 mark. EVE topic is very significant for the aspirants and number scoring. To score good numbers and marks in the CTET exam you must study theEVE Notesor study materials ...
The Central Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted in two shifts – Paper I and Paper II. The time slot for Paper I is 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon and Paper II is 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM. The provisional and final answer keys of CTET are published online before the result declaration. The ...
Question 1.sin2 π 6 + cos2 3 π– tan2 – 1 4 2 π = Question 2.2sin2 6 π + cosec2 7 cos2 3 6 3 2 ππ = Question 3.cot2 cosec 5 3tan2 6 6 6 6 πππ + + = Question 4.2sin2 3 2cos2 2sec2 10 4 4 3 πππ + + = Question 5. Find the value of: (i...
V. Bills of Exchange : Kinds, parties, negotiation, endsing, dishonouring, Promissy notes and Hundies 20 Marks (54 Periods) (II) ELEMENTS OF BOOK-KEEPING AND ACCOUNTANCY (CODE NO. 254) Objective :The main objective of this paper is to enable the student to understand the fundamental princ...