But about 1 in 3 football players, or 34%, who are still alive have perceived CTE, according to astudyinJAMA Neurology. Those players were also 5 times as likely to report suicidal thoughts than those who didn’t think they had CTE. ...
Jackson, Derrick Z
The prevalence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in American football players is shockingly high according to a paper published online in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) on July 25th (1). The paper describes autopsy results from a convenience sample of 202 deceased footbal...
军事人员、足球运动员在扫描中显示类似的CTE征象 UPI 7月18日电-加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员发现,头部受伤并报告有记忆和情绪问题的军人,其脑部扫描与患有CTE的退役足球运动员相似。 研究人员检查了15名有记忆和情绪问题的前NFL球员和7名军人的大脑,其中包括5名退伍军人和2名现役军人,他们患有轻度创伤性脑损伤以及...
A post mortem study of 180 former football players who donated their brains supports previous findings that a greater amount of phosphorylated tau protein in the brain is associated with dementia and duration of play. The research advances the field with findings of a direct association between seve...
it is impossible to confirm a CTE diagnosis in a living individual, yet prior research by co-lead author Rachel Grashow, Ph.D., M.S., and colleagues from the Football Players Health Study (FPHS) at Harvard University showed that 3 in every 100 formerfootballplayers report being diagnosed ...
There's been growing awareness and research into CTE in sports since 2013, when the National Football League in the United States settled lawsuits — at a cost at the time of $765 million — from thousands of former players who developed dementia or other concussion...
The players interviewed believed they suffered specifically from chronic traumatic encephalopathy — CTE — which is linked to football players and athletes with repetitive brain trauma. "We actually can't know whether any of the players in our study actually have CTE. It's only determined on auto...
For the new study, researchers used a PET scan -- an imaging test that uses radioactive tracer dye to show how organs and tissues are working -- to try and identify abnormal tau proteins in five living football players over the age of 45: a linebacker, quarterback, guard, center and def...
The Concussion Legacy Foundation has called for rules that would limit tackle football and heading in soccer to children over 14. CLF co-founder Chris Nowinski said dementia has already been linked to repetitive heading by pro soccer players in Britain. ...