RT-PCR analysis revealed LTB- and CTB-specific tran- scripts in total RNA extracted from transformed rice seeds (Figure. 2d). The amplification products corre- sponded to a specific major transcript of the expected Soh et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:148 Page 4 of 14 size of the transgene ...
/C t B .The pcD 2NA3.1a (+)2M 2e /C t B wa s tran sfe re d i nto com pe ten t E.co li JM 109.The tra nsfo r m e d co l on i e s we re ve ri fi e d by Hi nd Ⅲa nd Xho Ⅰ,PCR ,a nd se que nc i ng .The N I H3T 3ce lls w e re tran sfe ...
It acts as a nuclear factor that can form complexes with TATA-binding proteins, tran- scription factors TFIIB and TFIIF, RNA polymerase II and p300. The regulated expression of Vasculin in plaques suggests that it may be involved in athero- genesis, and its presence in plasma may implicate ...
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becrinhendttibd.dbtraiitauTrtinbrohndaoshrgudentfoueisorsrakpnhopoteadoteown.nhiattirdn1Tn0arahtttstnohaweionkmtfeogoseitnoiffneuounguaruwruotmnslthtrltedeihentsaoa.tl, shoe #148 smteigovaheOkrttevysheotranahnentkishdaaelmblolcoenoootgufkatrhaosleuoertreroaoofflairftdioyeg.untrhdrAesaaljtsto...
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It acts as a nuclear factor that can form complexes with TATA-binding proteins, tran- scription factors TFIIB and TFIIF, RNA polymerase II and p300. The regulated expression of Vasculin in plaques suggests that it may be involved in athero- genesis, and its presence in plasma may implicate ...
PTRH2 (peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2), also known as BIT1 (Bcl-2 inhibitor of tran- scription 1), is a 179 amino acid mitochondrial protein. During apoptosis, PTRH2 is released from the mitochondia to the cytoplasm. Once in the cytoplasm, PTRH2 regulates the function of two transcriptional ...
The yeast SNF-SWI complex is required for tran- scriptional activation of diverse genes and has been shown to alter chro-matin structure. This complex has at least 10 components, including Snf2(alternatively designated Swi2, Ric1, or Gam1), Snf5, Snf6, Swi1 (alterna-tively designated ...
Ssn6, a tandem tetratricopeptiderepeat-containing protein, associates with Tup1 to form a general transcrip- tional repression complex. The yeast Snf-Swi complex is required for tran- scriptional activation of diverse genes and has been shown to alter chro-matin structure. This complex has at ...