give you confidence in the health of your cells every step of the way, we’ve highlighted the technologies and products within cell biology that are critical to maintaining optimal cell health. No matter how you are using your cells, you can count on these products to help keep them healthy...
HCCLM6细胞类似产品::LM3细胞、639 V细胞、Capan 2细胞 CT26 Cells(赠送Str鉴定报告)|小鼠结肠癌细胞 GB1细胞类似产品::COLO 680N细胞、HL1细胞、rUCMSCs细胞 BT20细胞类似产品::OV-90细胞、MDAMB361细胞、PANC-04-03细胞 TE 85.T细胞类似产品::BE(2)M17细胞、RPTEC/TERT1细胞、GA-10 (Clone 4)细胞 ...
纯度规格:CT26.CL25 Cells(赠送Str鉴定报告)|小鼠结肠癌细胞产品类别:生物试剂 "CT26.CL25 Cells(赠送Str鉴定报告)|小鼠结肠癌细胞 细胞背景资料:结肠癌; BALB/c 细胞形态:上皮细胞样 解冻细胞常见实验问题分析及推荐解决方法:在解冻冻存细胞时,发现会出现存活率低、大量细胞碎片及生长缓慢等问题,究竟是什么原因导...
Cellswere treatedwithdiferentconcentrationsofAs203,andcellgrowthratewasdetectedbyMTYassay, ThencellsweretreatedwithAs2O3at30% efectivedosecooperativewithdifferentconcentra— tionsofFI'XtofindouttiemostefectiveCombinationdoseoncellgrouw t hinhibition.Apopto- ...
图1 CT26细胞慢病毒染情况(×100)Fig 1 CT26 cells infected with ART1-sh RNA-Lentivir us(×100)A:Fluorescence microscope i mage of CT26 cells after infection with ART1-sh RNA-Lentivirus;B:Optics microscope i mage of CT26 cells after infection with ART1-sh RNALentivirus;C:Fl uorescence micr...