目的:本文旨在观察骨盆骨折诊断中X线平片与CT影像诊断价值,以为此类疾病科学诊断提供支持.方法:随机入选邢台市退役军人总医院收治于2017年8月—2021年11月94例骨盆骨折患者为研究对象,所有患者均采用X检查,C T扫描检查,X线组(纳入X线平片检查结果),CT组(纳入CT影像诊断结果),以手术结果为"金标准",观察患者采用不...
Device for the intraocular transfer of active agents by iontophoresis The device has an active product reservoir (15) and is designed to apply the product onto the eye of a patient. The device has at least one active electrode in the reservoir, a passive electrode and a current generator. ...
目的:分析增强CT与MRI动态增强联合DWI在老年肺癌与良性肿瘤中的鉴别诊断应用价值.方法:选取包头市肿瘤医院2021年11月—2022年11月收治的手术病理确诊为老年肺癌患者30例以及良性肿瘤患者20例,对50例患者均采用增强CT,磁共振(MRI)动态增强联合弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)进行鉴别诊断,以病理结果为依据,...
The article features Stuart Bowery, general manager of the Grosvenor Hotel in London, England, and winner of the 2013 Hotelier of the Year award, sponsored by cleaning company Casna Group. Background is presented on Bowery's career and achievements in the hotel industry including his emphasis on...
摘要 以固体与分子经验电子理论(EET)和改进的Thomas-Fermi-Dirac(TFD)理论为基础,以合金奥氏体,合金马氏体及其界面为例,给出了相结构因子nA,F,S和界面结合因子ρ,Δρ,σ的计算方法计算了常用合金元素在0.2%C和... 关键词相...
Quantitative comparison of xenotransplantation of a humans of ttissue sarcoma into the subcutaneous tissue of normal,postincision,and postincision plus ind... Quantitative comparison of xenotransplantation of a humans of ttissue sarcoma into the subcutaneous tissue of normal,postincision,and postincision ...
目的:分析在下腔静脉阻塞布-加综合征(Budd-Chiari syndrome,BCS)诊断中应用64排螺旋CT的临床价值.方法:选取邳州市中医院在2019年1月—2021年12月期间收治的46例下腔静脉阻塞B C S患者为研究对象,针对入院患者均予以64排螺旋C T平扫/动态增强扫描,数字减影血管造影(digital substraction angiog... 查看全部>>关键...