WorksheetOptions:A collection of settings and options for the sheet (1). This element MUST be present if any one of the following conditions istrue: TheNamedRangeattributeisfalse. TheNamedRangeattribute istrue, and theChartSheetattribute isfalse. ...
WorksheetOptions:A collection of settings and options for the sheet (1). This element MUST be present if any one of the following conditions istrue: TheNamedRangeattributeisfalse. TheNamedRangeattribute istrue, and theChartSheetattribute isfalse. ...
WorksheetOptions: A collection of settings and options for the sheet (1). This element MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: The NamedRange attribute is false. The NamedRange attribute is true, and the ChartSheet attribute is false. The NamedRange attribute is true...
If, in this same worksheet part, there exists a CT_ExtensionList element that is a descendent of a CT_CfRule with a child CT_Extension element with the child ST_Guid element equal to the id attribute of the CT_CfRule element that is a parent of this element, and the minLength ...
CTSheetProtection sheetProtection = ctWorksheet.getSheetProtection();if(sheetProtection != null) { spreadsheet.getState().lockFormatColumns = sheetProtection.getFormatColumns(); spreadsheet.getState().lockFormatRows = sheetProtection.getFormatRows(); ...
org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.CTWorksheetImpl maven / gradle build tool code. The class is part of the package ➦ Group: org.apache.poi ➦ Artifact: ooxml-schemas ➦ Version: 1.4
spreadsheet.Worksheets(worksheet).CTSheetSetBackgroundPicture(imagePath); 在上面的伪代码中,我们首先指定了一个图片文件的路径。然后,我们通过调用 CTSheetSetBackgroundPicture 方法并传入图片路径来设置工作表的背景图片。 然而,在真实的应用程序中,这样的方法可能会有更多的参数和选项,例如设置图片的显示模式(平铺、...
Brogdon3 Body-CT A body-CT worksheet was originally designed to provide consistent reporting of CT examinations, to serve as a prelim- mary report, and to be used as a computer interface. From this study the worksheet also appears to improve diagnostic accuracy when routinely used in ...
Set wb=Worksheet Do While wb.Cells(1,k)<>""IfUCase(Trim(wb.Cells(1,k)))=UCase(Trim(col_nam))Then col_num=k End If k=k+1Loop Get_Col_Num=col_num End Function 循环语句中,需要注意一个易错点。计数变量一定要进行累加 (k = k + 1),否则循环条件会一直成立。语句运行会陷入死循环,最...
Metric Ceiling Speaker System Worksheet 13.7 KB 10月 2020 Trim Rings MTC-24TR & MTC-26TR Installation 71.2 KB 10月 2020 Information documents MTC-NC Ceiling Speaker New Construction Bracket Drawing 112.6 KB 10月 2019 Speaker Tunings Commercial, CBT, and AWC Tunings 220616 A 557.0 KB 5月...