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CT-ScanPredicting FactorMicrocephalyCameroonPurpose: Despite irradiation, CT-scan remains animportant diagnostic tool in epilepsy in poor countries where MRI is neitheravailable nor affordable. But many causes of epilepsyare not accessible to CT-scan and this technique remains expensive for many poor...
Taphoorn MJ, Heimans JJ, Kaiser MC et al. Imaging of brain metastases. Comparison of computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Neuroradiology 1989; 31: 391-395.Taphoorn MJ, Heimans JJ, Kaiser MC, de Slegte RG, Crezee FC, Valk J. Imaging of brain metastases. ...
Visualization of brain lesions in mouse stroke model (tMCAO) by high-resolution micro-CT imaging. (A) Virtual slices (~ 4 µm voxels) at different orientations from a micro-CT scan of a mouse stroke brain stained with osmium tetroxide, showing total lesion and core (orange/darker area...
The default category is All, meaning that all data categories will be restricted.Tapping on an application icon shows the detailed view where you can manage each of the data categories for the selected application. This view will also appear when you tap on the notification that appears after ...
Drones can scan crops using different kinds of light. In this way, they carefully examine the fields and produce detailed pictures that can help us find sickly yellow plants within fields of green. Drones can also check for bacteria that are harmful to crops in the air from a few kilometers...
Some people can train themselves to pay extra attention to things that are important — like police officers learn to scan crowds for faces and conductors can listen for individual instruments within the orchestra as a whole. Many more think they can effectively multitask, but are actually shiftin...
v S can: If you tap Scan, it automatically sets the radio channels. If you want to save current channel, then stop->Menu->save preset. v S ave preset: You can set the channel that you use frequently. It can be found in preset list. v O ptions: Allows to Enable RDS and ...
The one 18F-FET avid tumor was operated on in an elective fashion due to the previous misinterpretation of the state of the lesion, meaning the time difference between isotope scan and surgery was 142 days. A follow-up MRI examination (120 days after PET) showed a slight contrast enhancement...
Residual errors were manually corrected by redefining the VOIs when necessary; this was necessary only for the gall bladder and urinary bladder, in the event that gradual accumulation of radioactivity as well as enlargement over the course of the PET scan occurred. Blinded image interpretation was ...