CT scanner 释义 [医]计算机处理X线体层照相扫描器 实用场景例句 全部 The failure of cooling system appears inCT scannerfrequently. CT扫描系统的冷却系统出现故障屡见不鲜. 互联网 Toshiba Aquilion multisliceCT scanneris used. 设备采用ToshibaAquilion多层螺旋CT扫描仪....
Staff members who operated a mobile CT scanner used to visit once a week, according to Schmidt. Tim Evans, NPR, 4 Sep. 2024 On a recent day, Shim offered Steffen and other state officials a tour of the hospital, showing them the cramped emergency department and the ancient CT scanner, ...
SOMATOM Scope Power 32 eco CT scanner combines cost efficiency and clinical excellence. It delivers crystal-clear images across a wide range of clinical applications and offers innovative features help lower the total cost of ownership by up to 35%.
The bed will slide into the donut-shaped CT scanner.Depending on the type of scan, an IV line may be placed in your hand or arm. A saline solution and contrast material may be injected into your vein during the test.The technologist will leave the room. You will be given directions ...
A CT scanner machine uses an X-ray that rotates around your body to get views from all angles that are put together for a 3D image. (Photo Credit: Kaliantye/Dreamstime) What is a CT scan machine? The CT scan machine is an imaging device that uses a motorized X-ray to take three-...
The failure of cooling system appears in CT scanner frequently. CT扫描系统的冷却系统出现故障屡见不鲜. 互联网 Objective To evaluate the preoperative CT scan of rectal carcinoma. 目的评估直肠癌术前CT扫描的价值. 互联网 Conclusion Spiral CT has an important value in detecting adhesive ileus. ...
CT scanner n (Medicine) computerized tomography scanner: an X-ray machine that can produce stereographic images. Former name: CAT scanner Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...
BRUNNETT CARL Jカール ジェイ.ブルネットBURKE JAMES Eジェイムズ イー.バークMATTSON RODNEY Aロドニ エイ.マトスンMILLER LESTERレスター ミラ-RESNICK THEODORE Aスィオドー エイ.レズニック
ANATOM FIT CT Scanner Features: ANATOM Fit is affordable and, of course, versatile to easily handl with all basic clinical applications in routine scanning. Thoughtfully,ANATOM Fit is designed to deliver you benefits of diagnostic confidence,low dose for patient care, financ...
CT扫描仪(Computed Tomography Scanner,又称CAT扫描仪,计算机断层扫描仪)是一种医疗影像设备,使用X射线技术创建人体内部详细的横截面图像,以帮助医生诊断和评估各种疾病和疾病。CT扫描以其高分辨率和准确性而著称,广泛应用于医学领域。 CT扫描仪的主要组成部分和功能包括: ...