White matter changes on CT brain scan are associated with neurobehavioral dysfunc- tion in children with symptomatic HIV disease. Child Neuropsychol. 1995;1:93-105Brouwers P, van der Vlugt H, Moss H, Wolters P, Pizzo P. White matter changes on CT brain scan are associated with ...
In an MRI scan, the molecules move along the direction of the magnetic gradient. By looking at water’s diffusion anisotropy, we can detect water’s variation from areas of different concentration, when it changes direction. White matter (nerve tissue containing special fibres and is almost whit...
During its 25-year history, CT has made great improvements in speed, patient comfort, and resolution. As CT scan times have gotten faster, more anatomy can be scanned in less time. Faster scanning helps to eliminate artifacts from patient motion such as breathing or peristalsis. CT exams are ...
正常颅脑CT和MRI影像表现英文版 CTANDMRIIMAGING OFNORMALBRAIN NORMALANATOMYOFBRAIN Brainisseparatedfromcalvariumbythreemeninges-duramater,arachnoidmembraneandpiamater.Dividedintosupratentorialandinfratentorialcompartmentscontaining:Supratentorium:CerebralhemispheresdiencephalonInfratentorium:BrainstemstructurescerebellumEach...
32、between gray matter and white matter ii. Less effective in very early and very late haemorrage and infarct iii. Radiation hazardMRI Why do itAdvantages:Multiplanar modalityBetter gray and white matter differentiation or better spatial resolutionBetter for evaluation of posterior fossa structuresNo...
A CT-scan showed extensive bilateral symmetrical calcification in the region of the basal ganglia, nuclei of the cerebellum and the cerebral and cerebellar white matter. A review of the literature showed that bilateral symmetrical calcification detected by CT is usually small in extent and is most ...
The CT scan of the brain was performed without contrast and the images were reviewed. The following findings were noted: - Acute infarction in the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory with loss of grey-white matter differentiation. - Hypodensity in the left basal ganglia, left insular ...
A and B, ADEM. Axial FLAIR spin-echo MR scan shows multifocal subcortical hyperintense foci with confluent white matter disease in basal ganglia. C and D, MS. Axial FLAIR spin-echo MR scans show high signal foci similar to ADEM. MS lesions were more ...
CT scan of the brain was performed in all participants. CT value of each cerebral lobe was compared between the two groups. ResultsCT values of the left frontal lobe and left temporal lobe in the observation group were (40.88 ± 2.01) HU and (40.21 ± 3.01) HU, respectively, which ...