A 1 cm diameter plastic cylinder, in which glass microspheres (nominally 10, 30, 100 or 300 micrometer diameter) were suspended, was used to compare the spatial resolution of the x-ray optic versus the no-optic scans performed at a range of comparable focal spot-to- specimen distances. ...
Objective:To assess three-dimensional CT(3 D-CT)cavernosography versus conventional X-ray cavernosography in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction(ED)caused by venous leakage.Method:With the design of a cohort study,we included the patients who underwent 3 D-CT or X-ray cavernosography in our ...
For example, patients with precancerous symptoms or early symptoms that might prompt their physician to perform a CT scan, which may lead to the possibility of reverse causation. Until now, there is still uncertainty on whether ionizing radiation from CT scans can increase the risks of cancer....
X-ray 3D reconstructionCTTKATOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTYACQUISITIONTECHNOLOGYSYSTEMAim Patient Specific Instrumentation (PSI) with 3D bone models have been used to improve the outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). The PSI, however, needs a CT (Computed tomography)/MRI scan to reproduce a bone-...
X-ray dose from computed tomography (CT) scanners has become a significant public health concern. All CT scanners spray x-ray photons across a patient, including those using compressive sensing algorithms. New technologies make it possible to aim x-ray b
EDS elemental analysis scan of the archaeobotanical material; (a) Percentage distribution of all the identified elements; (b) C element; (c) O element; (d) Si element; (e) S element; (f) Cl element; (g) K element; (h) Cu element. ...
However, micro-CT scan has limitations such as radiation and need for use of a contrast agent to visualise soft tissues. Iodine enhances contrast by diffusion through tissue layers and binding to glycogen within muscle cells25,26 and increasing X-ray absorption. High resolution CT can provide ...
In France, Depiscan, a pilot RCT of LDCT versus chest X-ray (CXR), started on October 2002 to determine the feasibility of enrollment by general practitioners (GPs), investigations and diagnostic procedures by university hospital radiologists and multidisciplinary teams, data management by centralized...
The 3D X-Ray dose modulation option was activated and the acquisition covered the neck and the head with an average scan time of 3.2 s (range 2.7–3.6) and an average scan length of 34.1 cm (range 27.6–39.1). The average injection rate was 4.8 cc/s (range 2.9–5.8). The second (...
To visualize the brain and the skull simultaneously, the most common approach is to scan each structure separately using µMRI for the brain and µCT for the skull, and then co-registering both scans 20,21. However, this results in a time and cost-demanding pipeline requiring multiple acq...