In addition to the dual-energy method, vendor-specific iterative metal artifact reduction software can be applied. There have been a lot of considerations and discussion on radiation dose in dual-energy CT. Most studies have been performed on dual-source CT and have not shown an increased ...
Oldendorf WH (1961) Isolated flying spot detection of radiodensity discontinuities—displaying the internal structural pattern of a complexobject. Ire Trans Biomed Electron. BME-8:68–72. doi:10.1109/TBMEL.1961.4322854 Hutton BF (2014) The origins of SPECT and SPECT/CT. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Im...
Compared with conventional CTC, the false-positive rate is significantly reduced by dual-energy CT. Boellaardet al.18adopted dual-energy CT to diagnose colon cancer in patients without gastrointestinal tract preparation, which was consistent with the findings in the current study. The iodine value o...
At a large distance from the center of rotation the windmill artifact is reduced using true 3D back projection compared to 2D back projection. It is therefore possible to minimize windmill artifacts by optimizing the scan and reconstruction parameters. (E.S., G.S., A.A., D.B. are ...
dose-efficient detection of tumors. If any of the player strategies could be ascertained and formalized into a computer algorithm, then CT Brush algorithms could be automated and used to run hardware CT scanners. An automated CT Brush is, in effect, an intelligent flying spot 3D CT [17,75]...
The combination of manually selected kVp and automatically modulated mA would together contribute to the radiation exposure, but there is no straightforward relationship between the selection of scan parameters and radiation dose received by patients. Therefore, multiple linear regression methods were used ...
Last September, SkyDrive, a Japanese company, showed off its new flying car SD-03. With a pilot on board, the car was flown around for four minutes. Flying cars need strong power to fly in the sky freely like the airplanes. SkyDrive designed the SD-03 powered by batteries (电池). Th...
oftwoscansontwomonitorswithinthe3Dtask card,ideallyusedforcomparisonoffollow-up studiesornativeandcontrastenhancedscans *Optional11 CAREApplications UFCDetectorCARETopo Upto30%dosereductioncomparedtoReal-timetopogram conventionalCTdetectorsinterruptionpossibleoncedesiredanatomy HighefficiencyforlowmAsrequiremenablehasbeen...
400 万方数据 中国中西医结合影像学杂志 2011年10 月第 9 卷第 5期 0.000).Conclusion:Comparedwiththesequentialacquisition,theprospectivehigh‐pitchspiralscancanremarkablyreducera‐diationdosewhilepreservinggoodimagequalityinpatientswithalowandstableheartrate(≤70bpm).[Keywords]coronaryangiography;radiationdose;image...
sliceCT.Methods 100patients(groupA,54male,aged57.9±11.3years)withsuspectedcoronaryarterydisease(CAD) wereexaminedbyDSCT.Theother100patients (groupB,59 male,aged58.0±11.1years)withsuspectedCAD were studiedby64-slicespiralCT.PatientsofgroupB withaheartrateabove70bpmreceivedoralβ-blockersbeforethescan. ...