RADIATION protectionRADIATION carcinogenesisThe article titled "CT radiation exposure and cancer risk: from knowing to acting" discusses a study on the association between radiation from computed tomography (CT) scans and the risk of cancer in children and young adults. The study found that there is...
Moreover, cancer risks elevated with increase of radiation dose (OR, 33.31 [95% CI, 21.33 to 52.02]), and multiple CT scan sites (OR, 14.08 [95% CI, 6.60 to 30.05]). The risk of solid malignancy was higher than leukemia. Notably, there were no significant differences for age, gender...
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02620-0 https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/radiation-risk-from-medical-imaging 订阅关注防失联 订阅备用号 请订阅youtube:Y博的科普园 https://www.youtube.com/@Doctor_YZ/featured 原创不易 赞赏随缘...
A new study in JNCI Cancer Spectrum finds that exposure to radiation from CT scans is associated with higher risks of developing thyroid cancer and leukemia. Researchers here conducted study from a National Health Insurance dataset in Taiwan between 2000 and 2013. The study followed 22,853 thyroid...
the frequency of CT scans and the development trend of CT exposure doses in children, and introduced the main method and achievements in the cancer risk evaluation of pediatric CT scans in different time periods. This r...
按有些高档体检的搞法,受众明明是精英白领,最后接受的辐射量都要超过核电站工人了,这韭菜割的也挺黑色幽默。 参考资料: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02620-0 https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/radiation-risk-from-medical-imaging...
Radiation During a CT Scan CT scans use X-rays, which are a type of radiation called ionizing radiation. It can damage theDNAin your cells and raise the chance that they'll turn cancerous. These scans expose you to more radiation than other imaging tests, like X-rays and mammograms. For...
, Thierry-Chef, I., Harbron, R. et al. Risk of hematological malignancies from CT radiation ...
A new study offers the most solid evidence to date that radiation from CT scans increases children's risk of developing leukemia and head and neck cancer. 一项新研究提供了迄今为止最确凿的证据,证明CT扫描产生的辐射将增加儿童罹患白血病和头颈部癌症的风险。 Children and adolescents who received two to...
CT scan is a life-saving medical diagnostic tool, entailing higher levels of ionising radiation exposure than conventional radiography, which may result in an increase in cancer risk, particularly in children. Information about the use and potential health effects of CT scan imaging among young peopl...