冠状动脉ct血管成像(coronary artery computed tomography angiography,ccta)用于指导经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,pci)一直是心血管领域的研究热点.ccta属于无创影像学手段,通过静脉注射对比剂,利用多排螺旋ct评估冠状动脉狭窄程...
胸痛三联征(chest pain triple‑rule‑out,TRO)是指表现为急性胸痛发作的3种疾病及并发症,包括急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)、肺动脉栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE)和主动脉夹层(aortic dissection,AD)。急性胸痛是临床上最常见的症状之一,是以胸痛为...
腹部血管造影 Abdomen CT Angiography 上肢血管造影 Upper Extremities CT Angiography 下肢血管造影 Lower Extremities CT Angiography 头部平扫 Head Routine Scan 头部常规增强 Head Routine Enhanced Scan 头部动态增强 Head Dynamic Enhanced Scan 垂体平扫 Sella Routine Scan 垂体增强 Sella Enhanced Scan 鼻咽部平扫 Nas...
CT Coronary Angiography CT Cardiac CT pulmonary vein and left atrial appendage mapping CT Angiography Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis for various indications including TAVR planning CT Coronary Angiograms Santa Monica – Tower Saint John’s Imaging 2202 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403 Telephone: 310...
(invasive coronary angiography,ICA)检查者,可行CCTA筛查;(5)对于已知冠心病或存在冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块患者进行临床干预后,可行CCTA检查随访观察斑块形成、进展和消退情况;(6)术前评估:经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronaryintervention,PCI)或搭桥前行CCTA 检查有助于选择合适的血运重建方案;非冠状动脉心脏手术前行...
Non-invasive CT angiography of the coronary arteries is a challenging and rapidly advancing technique. Electron beam tomography initially permitted the non-invasive visualization of coronary arteries and detection of stenoses. Multidetector CT provides very high spatial resolution and allows for excellent ...
Cury RC, Earls JP, Heilbron BG, Ajlan AM, Feuchtner G, Min JK. Effect of a novel vendor-specific motion-correction algorithm on image quality and diagnostic accuracy in persons undergoing coronary CT angiography without rate-control medications. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2012 May-Jun;6(3):...
in secondsandCT coronary angiographycompleted in 5 ¡V 8 seconds hksh.com hksh.com 這是全球最快的電腦掃描器,亦是在全亞洲首部使用,其嶄新的電腦掃描系統,採用革命性64層探測技術,只需 數秒,便能為全身器官掃描,進行冠狀動脈血管造影更只需5 - 8秒便可完成。
冠状动脉CTA成像( coronary CT angiography CCTA)总论 北京阜外心血管病医院放射科 凌坚
1. 电脑断层冠状动脉摄影 3.电脑断层冠状动脉摄影(CT coronary angiography)4. 心导管(cardiac catheterization)5. 肺功能检查(Pulmonary functio… book.jd.com|基于29个网页 2. 冠状动脉造影 CT冠状动脉造影(CT coronary angiography),这是近几年才出现的新技术,特别是 64 切多螺旋 CT 出现后才被广泛应用的 …...