What Is a CT Scan? Picture of CT scan machine. What Is CT Scan? CT, or CAT scans, are special X-ray tests that produce cross-sectional images of the body using X-rays and a computer. CT scans are also referred to as computerized axial tomography. CT was developed independently by a ...
那么为了从不同的角度获取物体的信息,工程师们就让整个X射线发射端与接收端围绕着人体转起来,CT机也就变成了甜甜圈的形状: 左:CT设备原理图,Fan Beam Rotation: 从X射线管发射出来的扇形光束围绕着患者进行旋转, detector array: X射线接收器阵列, scan bed: 扫描床。 中:CT设备内部结构图。 右:商用CT设备的外...
摘要: CT scan, also known as CAT scan or computerized axial tomography, is a painless diagnostic test that uses x-rays and computers to create cross-sectional images of bones and tissues inside your body. Learn more about the CT scan process and how it can help your doctor diagnose and tr...
CT scan (also known as CAT scan, computerized tomography scan, computerized axial tomography scan) is an imaging test, which uses a combination of x-ray images and computer to generate cross-sectional images of the body. CT scan was developed by Dr. Alan Cormack and Sir Godfrey Hounsfield; ...
CT下肢检查分平扫(plain CT scan)、造影增强扫描(contrast enhancement,CE)和造影扫描。 (一)平扫是指不用造影增强或造影的普通扫描。一般都是先作平扫。 (二)增强扫描用高压注射器经静脉注入水溶性有机碘剂,如60%~76%泛影葡胺60ml后再行扫描的方法。血内碘浓度增高后,器官与病变...
CT扫描的介绍(医学英语).docx,CT (Computerized Tomography) Scan A CT scan shows pictures of your body parts. A small amount of dye may be put into a vein in your arm. This dye leaves your body after a few days. If you have any allergies to medicines, foo
A computerized tomography (CT) scan can be used to diagnose a wide variety of injuries and diseases. (Image credit: Shutterstock) Whether you're visiting the emergency room after a rough spill from your mountain bike or visiting your health clinic for a routine cancer screening, it's likely...
COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) FLUOROSCOPY IMAGING SYSTEM USING A STANDARD INTENSITY CT SCAN WITH REDUCED INTENSITY CT SCAN OVERLAYSA method for providing CT fluoroscopy of an internal procedure site during a medical procedure so as to visualize patient anatomy and a high-contrast medical element during...
A computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan allows doctors to see inside your body. It uses a combination of X-rays and a computer to create pictures of your organs, bones, and other tissues. It shows more detail than a regular X-ray. ...