It shall be noted that the expression "constant-time" is traditional but slightly confusing: constant-time code does not always execute in a constant amount of time; rather, this means that any variation in execution time is uncorrelated with secret information. For more information on constant-...
In this paper, an efficient semiautomatic method was proposed for liver tumor segmentation in CT volumes based on improved fuzzy C-means (FCM) and graph cuts. With a single seed point, the tumor volume of interest (VOI) was extracted using confidence connected region growing algorithm to ...
CTP是一种以计算机断层扫描技术为基础的医学成像方法,它的辐射剂量较PET低,扫描时间较MR检查短的优点。 CTP通过向患者肘静脉团注对比剂后,对选定层面(全脑)通过连续多次同层扫描,以获得该层面每一像素的时间-密度(time-density curve, TDC )曲线,其曲线反映的是对比剂在该器官中浓度的变化,间接反映了组织器官灌注...
The measurement data of normal distribution were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD), and comparisons between groups were made using the t-test. Frequency and percentage were used for statistical description of the counting data, and the χ2 test was used for comparison between ...
This means the list can be reduced from no input.Since the rule's left side is a list the functor needs to return its value type, which is a list_type. The right side is empty so the functor needs to have no arguments.So let's return an empty vector: [](){ return list_type{}...
此解剖单元以互动图集方式呈现,内容包括114块健康标本的轴向和冠状切片,让用户学习颞骨岩部(颞骨) 的解剖图。 横断面解剖图:颞骨岩部CT 图形1 - 我们对颞骨岩部的序列切片进行了CT轴向和冠状扫描。DICOM资料已转换成JPEG图片格式,透过Adobe Photoshop进行调整,然后把这些扫描图增添至由Animate创建的单元。 颞骨岩部解剖...
Tube dislodgement: Complete catheter dislodgement, with CT showing catheter dislodgement outside the gastric cavity or in the abdominal wall or cavity. Balloon rupture: as indicated by leakage during gastrostomy tube removal. Statistical analysis All data are presented as means ± standard ...
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shal...
to show how long the video is in seconds if you want- (void)videoView:didPlayToSecond:ofid<CTVideoViewTimeDelegate>to be called, you should set this property to YES. currentPlaySpeed set 2.0 means speed of 2x. Video Cover View shouldShowOperationButton ...
This means patients shouldn’t need to navigate copays or deductibles. However, the ACS notes the definition of a “screening” versus a “diagnostic” test may vary by insurer, and not all plans cover all forms of colorectal cancer screenings. In addition, people at high risk of developing...