•Radon变换与逆变换的提出奠定CT图像重建的数学基础(1917)•卷积反投影算法/滤波投影算法的提出开启了图像精确重建的大门 (1971~1974)•Feldkamp等人提出的FDK算法开启了图像三维重建的新纪元(1980)•Katsevich解决了锥形束螺旋CT图像精确重建的轴向截断问题(2002)•Pan等人提出了反投影滤波算法,解决了数据横向...
基本概念操作 Look for phantom, radon and iradon i Matlab Help在Matlab上学习Phantom/radon/iradon函数; Make a phantom size (128,128)设计一个体模,大小为128x128; Do radon transformation (CT projections) with theta1 = (0:10:180) and thera2 = (0:1:180)分别以间隔10和间隔1度做radon; ...
voxelmorph 解决的主要是 CT 图像的配准, CT 是一个 3D 图像,形式化表示为 R^{M\times N\times L\times C} ,其中 M 和 N 是 CT 图像的长宽,受限于目前的成像技术和计算设备(三维 Radon 变换),一般是 256 × 256 或者 512 × 512 。 L 是 CT 的层数。C 是体素(voxel)的色彩通道,因为 CT 是根...
The computation of projection implemented here is both faster and more accurate than the radon transformation code in MATLAB. For a 3D matrix (512x512x176), it takes about 35 seconds to compute one 2D projection in resolution of 512x384 on a DELL with 2.33 GHz CPU. ...
1. Look for phantom, radon and iradon i Matlab Help在Matlab上学习 Phantom/radon/iradon函数; 2. Make a phantom size (128,128)设计一 个体模,大小为128x128; 3. Do radon transformation (CT projections) with theta1 = (0:10:180) and thera2 = (0:1:180)分别以间隔10和 间隔1度做rad...
METHODS:First,globalthresholdmethodwasusedtodividetheimageintometalandstreakartifactpart.Radontransformation wasusedtochangetheartifactparttosinespace,andthenweobtainedthesinogram.Linearinterpolation,non-linearinterpolation andcubicsplineinterpolationwereusedtoobtaincorrectedsinogramimage.Atthelast,filterbackprojectionwasused...
MATLABBeam hardeningRadon transformationThe paper deals with design of complex simulation environment which is able to simulate on the base of mathematical techniques individual reconstructions methods which are normally used on Computed Tomography (CT). Primary attention is focused on The Single Back ...
(图中是6点位置),而且强度也在变化 平行束 扇形束 扇形束重建-ED等角扇形束重建 扇形束重建-Matlab函数 Matlab函数: fanbeam() ifanbeam() CT图像重建小结 图像重建算法比较 傅立叶变换法 反投影法 滤波反投影法 算法比较 算法比较 傅里叶变换重建方法:对于每次测得的投影数据先作一维傅里叶变换,根据中心切片...
•Radon变换•投影(Projection)•弦图(Sinogram)•采样几何形状(Geometry)•Shepp-Logan体模(Phantom)投影 同一物体在不同的方向投影不同 同一物体,角度不同,投影也不同 投影2 投影1 与投影相关的概念 yP(t)f(x,y)读出数(readings)强度剖面线(intensityprofiles)衰减剖面线(attenuationprofiles)射线和...