LUL-ap, left upper lobe, apicalposterior segment; 左肺上叶尖后段 LUL-an, left upper lobe, anterior segment; 左肺上叶前段 L-s,lingula, superior segment; (左肺)上舌段 L-i,lingula, inferior segment; (左肺)下舌段 LIL-s, left inferior lobe, superior segment. 左肺下叶上段,左肺下叶背...
9.Lateral basal segment of lower lobe 下叶外底段 10.Posterior basal segment of lower lobe 下叶后底段 左肺(LeftLung) 1+2Apicoposterior segment of upper lobe 上叶尖后段 3.Anterior segment of upper lobe 上叶前段 4.Superior lingular...
This paper presents a novel semi-automatic method for lung segmentation in thoracic CT datasets. The fully three-dimensional algorithm is based on a level set representation of an active surface and integrates texture features to improve its robustness. The method’s performance is enhanced by the ...
This work proposes a novel functionality for computerized tomography (CT) based investigation of diffuse lung diseases diagnosis that enables the evaluation of the disease with lung anatomical structures. Automated methods for segmenting several anatomy structures in chest CT are proposed: namely the ...
这e-Anatomy单元针对使用正常CT扫描进行的胸部解剖(肺,胸膜,心脏,主动脉,胸腔淋巴结及其他相关的解剖结构)。 它主要帮助放射科医生进行日常操作,重点特别放在肺段解剖学,用于肺癌的治疗前阶段分类的国际肺癌研究协会淋巴结分区,或者用于经导管主动脉瓣置换和胸主动脉瘤跟进的胸主动脉测量。但这单元也可有助了解胸腔的...
right lung 1. apical segment of upper lobe 右肺上叶尖段 left lung 1+2 apicoposterior segment of upper lobe 左肺上叶尖后段 第三层:主动脉弓三大分支水平 1. deltoid muscle 三角肌 2. subscapularis muscle 肩胛下肌 3. pectoralis minor m...
Interactive 3D reconstruction of pulmonary anatomy for preoperative planning, virtual simulation, and intraoperative guiding in video-assisted thoracoscopic lung surgery. Innovations (Phila), 2019, 14(1): 17-26. 17. Zhang C, Zhang H, Wu W, et al. Prophylactic octreotide does not reduce the ...
The U-Net and SegNet are good at detection of cancer in the kidney, heart, and lung [31] but fail in pancreatic cancer detection due to inter and intra class indistinction and inconsistency, respectively [32]. To nullify these problems, [33] proposed an attention UNet (A-UNet) that ...
Left Lung Segments (S1+2) represents a combination of the two separate (apical and posterior) segments seen on the right upper lobe. It is referred to as the apical posterior segment. Combined, S1+2 anatomically is similar in shape to the two segments on the right. The S3 or anterior ...
Eachlobeiscomprisedofseveralsmallerunitsreferredtoaspulmonarysegments.Itisimportanttorememberthatsegmentalanatomyispredicatedonbronchialanatomy.Similartobronchialnomenclature,eachsegmentcanbenamednumerically,usinga"S",andthesamenumberofthecorrespondingbronchusthatsuppliesit.RightLung UpperLobeApicalPosteriorAnteriorMiddleLobe...