摘要 We introduce a new computer aided detec tion and diagnosis system for lung cancer screening with low-dose CT scans that produces meaningful probability assessments. Our system is based entirely on 3D convo lutional neural networks and achieves state-of-the-art per formance for both lung nod...
Title题目A 3D Probabilistic Deep Learning System forDetection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose CT Scans利用低剂量CT扫描的三维概率深度学习系统用于肺癌的检测与诊01文献速递介绍肺癌既是最常见的癌症之一,也是导致癌症死亡的主要原因之一,在美国约占所有癌症相关死亡的四分之一。肺癌的高死亡率部分是...
7.The Application of Low-dose Combined with Conventional Dose MSCT Scan on Imaging of Air-filling Colon结肠充气造影CT低剂量平扫结合常规剂量增强扫描的应用 8.Objective To study the effect of low exposing dose on detecting lung nodules by CT.目的探讨低剂量扫描对CT检出肺结节的影响。 9.Low-dose Ch...
To reduce the number of CTAC scans necessary for MPI and CAC quantification Kaster et al, 2 evaluated in the current issue of the journal: (1) if a low-dose CTAC scan can also accurately quantify CAC, (2) one low-dose CTAC scan can be used for both the rest MPI as well the ...
withwhiletheCTscanhasahigher densityresolutionandnotissueoverlapcomparedwithX rayplainfilm.Therefore,thespiralCTscanhasbeenwidelyusedin thediagnosisandreviewoflunglesions.Basedonthenecessityoflowdoseimagingandthemethodsofreducingradiation dose,thispaperreviewstheapplicationandfuturedirectionoflowdoseimagingindifferent...
Effects of test-bolus and low-dose scan on CT pulmonary angiography image quality in patients with different body mass indexes[J]. Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 2020, 192(3): 387-395. DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncaa217. [20] Bae...
Low-Dose & Non-Invasive – Take Control of Your Health! Ask About Our Introductory $125 Heart CT Scan Book Now! Frequently Asked Questions Early detection can change your life! Heart and lung scans provideearly detection of heart disease, lung cancer and other abnormalities, even when symptoms...
The mean image noise and CNR for the low-dose AiCE and standard-dose AIDR 3D protocols are presented inTable 3. In all patients, AiCE had significantly lower noise in the erector spinae muscles and liver parenchyma, an...
· 中国肺癌低剂量CT筛查指南(2023年版) 中国肺癌早诊早治专家组 中国西部肺癌研究协作中心 【摘要】 肺癌是导致中国癌症死亡的首要原因.近年来低剂量计算机断层扫描(low-dose computed tomography, LDCT)筛查的效果进一步被证实,并且在高危人群选择,筛查间隔及结节管理的研究方面取得了显著进展.本 研究的目的是对2018...