Lynne Jackson, Project SALAM and the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms.Project SALAM and the NCPF are in the national leadership in the fight against the Orwellian practice of preemptively prosecuting Muslim-Americans who have committed no crime and the frame-up of hundreds of law-abiding...
2520. An obvious illustration of this point would be a case finding unconscionable or unenforceable as against public policy consumer arbitration agree- ments that fail to provide for judicially monitored discovery. The rationalizations for such a holding are neither difficult to imagine nor different...
soldier who slaughtered 16 Afghan civilians last year began making the case Wednesday for why he should one day be eligible for parole, portraying him as a patriotic American and indulgent father who let his son put ranch dressing on chocolate chip pancakes. 匿名用户 创建日期: 2020/11/17 6...