three-dimensional reconstruction of lung cancer CT images by MIMICS software, the purpose of enhancing the effect of the lesion area is realized, and the visualization model can be realized, which can effectively assist the early diagnosis of lung cancer and the surgical treatment of lung cancer....
The 3D-CT angiography and MPR images of lung cancer cases: Ono S, Kawashima R, Ito H, Koyama M, Gotou R, Fukuda H. Department of Nuclear Med./Radiology, Inst. of Development Aging/Cancer, Tohoku University, Tohoku. Jpn J Clin Radiol 1995;40:831–839...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death1. It is a heterogeneous disease with many clinically important subtypes2. Among these, histologic phenotype is a particularly important predictor of response to therapy and overall clinical outcome1,2. More than 80% of all primary lung can...
肺部影像报告和数据系统(Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System,Lung-RADS)1.1版将肺结节生长定义为两次CT检查图像上结节直径增加大于1.5 mm或者体积增加大于2 mm 3 ,英国胸科协会(British Thoracic Society,BTS)肺结节管理指南和荷兰-比利时肺癌筛查试验(Nederlands- Leuvens Longkanker Screenings Onderzoek,NELSON)...
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the CT images of pulmonary tuberculosis complicating lung cancer,in order to improve its diagnostic rate.Methods: CT plan scan imaging features of 78 patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis complicating lung cancer w...
Male, 64 FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Lung pleomorphic carcinoma Symptoms: Cough fever- Clinical Procedure: - Specialty: Oncology.Unusual clinical course.The diagnosis of lung cancer is often made based on computed tomography (CT) image findings if it cannot be confirmed on pathological examinations, such as br...
IQon彩色光谱CT基于光谱大数据AI引擎,6组服务器集群同时运行,一次扫描生成一个SBI( Spectral Base Images)光谱基数据包,可以在CT主机、工作站、PACS上一键式切换至任何光谱图像。 SBI光谱基数据包不仅含有所有的光谱数据,同时还包括了常规的CT图像,真正实现了常规CT图像与光谱多参数图像的直接对比读片,即 “多轨制读...
CASE REPORT: We herein describe the case of 64-year-old male who was diagnosed with lung cancer using surgery. In this case, it was quite difficult to distinguish between the lung cancer and a lung abscess on CT images, and a lung abscess was initially suspected due to symptoms, such as...
Chest radiograph (Fig 1) shows a well-defined small nodule in right lower lung field. 胸片(图 1)显示右肺下野已边界清晰小结节。 Axial chest CT images (Fig 2-4) show 2.8cm oval, well-defined enhancing nodule in RLL...
This research focuses on detection of lung cancer using Artificial Neural Network Back-propagation based Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) feature. The lung data used originates from the Cancer imaging archive Database, data used consisted of 50 CT-images. CT-image is grouped into 2 ...