8.Travis WD, Asamura H, Bankier AA, et al. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: proposals for coding T categories for subsolid nodules and assessment of tumor size in part-solid tumors in the forthcoming eighth edition of the TNM ...
肺部影像报告和数据系统(Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System,Lung-RADS)1.1版将肺结节生长定义为两次CT检查图像上结节直径增加大于1.5 mm或者体积增加大于2 mm 3 ,英国胸科协会(British Thoracic Society,BTS)肺结节管理指南和荷兰-比利时肺癌筛查试验(Nederlands- Leuvens Longkanker Screenings Onderzoek,NELSON)...
[23] Wen Q, Yang Z, Dai H, et al. Radiomics study for predicting the expression of PD-L1 and tumor mutation burden in non-small cell lung cancer based on CT images and clinicopathological features[J]. Front Onco...
three-dimensional reconstruction of lung cancer CT images by MIMICS software, the purpose of enhancing the effect of the lesion area is realized, and the visualization model can be realized, which can effectively assist the early diagnosis of lung cancer and the surgical treatment of lung cancer....
参考文献 MacMahon H, Naidich DP, Goo JM, et al. Guidelines for Management of Incidental Pulmonary Nodules Detected on CT Images: From the Fleischner Society 2017.Radiology. 2017;284(1):228-243. doi:10.1148/radiol.2017161659
2022年5月26日,国家药监局器审中心官方发布《肺结节CT图像辅助检测软件注册审查指导原则》,全文奉上。 肺结节CT图像辅助检测软件注册审查指导原则 本指导原则是对肺结节CT图像辅助检测软件的一般要求,申请人应依据产品的具体特性确定其中的内容是否适用。若不适用,需具体阐述其理由及相应的科学依据,并依据具体的产品特性...
A 3D Probabilistic Deep Learning System forDetection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose CT Scans 利用低剂量CT扫描的三维概率深度学习系统用于肺癌的检测与诊 01文献速递介绍 肺癌既是最常见的癌症之一,也是导致癌症死亡的主要原因之一,在美国约占所有癌症相关死亡的四分之一。肺癌的高死亡率部分是因为...
Tumor histology is an important predictor of therapeutic response and outcomes in lung cancer. Tissue sampling for pathologist review is the most reliable method for histology classification, however, recent advances in deep learning for medical image an
The 3D-CT angiography and MPR images of lung cancer cases: Ono S, Kawashima R, Ito H, Koyama M, Gotou R, Fukuda H. Department of Nuclear Med./Radiology, Inst. of Development Aging/Cancer, Tohoku University, Tohoku. Jpn J Clin Radiol 1995;40:831–839...