COVID-19-CT SCAN IMAGES数据集包含了1400张CT肺部扫描图像。该数据集有两种类别,其中新冠(COVID-19)阳性患者的CT扫描图像有58张,未感染新冠的CT扫描图像有1342张。肺部CT扫描图像对判断是否患有新冠疾病及新冠感染程度都有重要帮助。准确快速地筛查出新冠阳性患者不但有利于患者尽快恢复健康,更有利于快速控制这一传...
Early diagnosis of COVID-19, the new coronavirus disease, is considered important for the treatment and control of this disease. The diagnosis of COVID-19
Despite efforts to diagnose COVID-19 with CXR-based methods, their performance could be improved by considering the spatial relationships between regions of interest (ROIs) in CXR images. This oversight hinders the ability to accurately identify areas of the human lung most vulnerable to COVID-19...
infection’s progression and decide more effective treatment options by segmenting the CT images of COVID-19 patients. However, it is challenging to segment infected regions in CT slices because the infected regions are multi-scale, and the boundary is not clear due to the low contrast between ...
Fig. 1. Examples of CT images that are: positive for COVID-19 (top) and non-COVID-19 (bottom) from SARS-CoV-2 CT-scan dataset. This dataset also lacks standardization regarding the contrast of the images, as can be seen in Fig. 2. Download: Download high-res image (382KB) Downloa...
In the face of the potential for using CT images as a complementary screening method for COVID-19, alongside the challenges of interpreting CT for COVID-19 screening, extensive studies have been conducted on how to detect COVID-19 using CT images. Deep learning is now widely used in all ...
In the test process, for each image of a patient, we first input the image into the encoder of the segmentation network to determine whether it has lesions. If it has some lesion of COVID-19, we continue to segment it. When all the images of a patient are tested, if no CT image ...
多数感染COVID-19奥密克戎变异株的患者是无症状的。 感染奥密克戎的患者如果有症状的话,最常见的五种症状是流鼻涕、头痛、疲劳、打喷嚏和喉咙痛。 以往我们知道的COVID-19 肺炎(阿尔法、德尔塔变异株)的典型CT特征通常包括毛玻璃样密度 (GGO)、伴或不伴外周、...
For the COVID-19, Yao et al. [29] proposed a label-free COVID-19 lesion segmentation method for CT images. Based on the patterns of tracheae and vessels in CT scans, lesions were synthesized with several operations and superimposed on the lung regions of healthy images. The segmentation ...
有研究对COVID-2019肺炎的胸部CT定性表现以及定量胸部CT(QCCT)方法和半定量肺部严重程度评分(LSS)进行了深入研究。新冠肺炎典型的胸部CT表现包括双侧和多叶磨玻璃影(GGOs),伴有后侧和外周分布,伴有实变,小叶间隔增厚和亚段肺血管扩张(>3 mm)。...