Differentiation of noncalculous periam- pullary obstruction: comparison of CT with neg- ative-contrast CT cholangiopancreatography ver- sus MRI with MR cholangiopancreatography. Eur Radiol 2015; 25: 391-401.Feng-Bo Wang;Jian-Ming Ni;Zhui-Yang Zhang;.Differential diagnosis of periampullary ...
The x-ray CT scans with a vascular contrast agent revealed detailed anatomy of heart and aorta regions, which included the aortic arch and descending aorta structures (Figs 1D–I). As a complement to SPECT imaging, x-ray CT provides structural high-resolution visualization of specific ...
第二:In contrast, their phosphorescence spectra at 77 K are well resolved and show a ...
https://portal.fli-iam.irisa.fr/petseg-challenge/overview#_ftn1, as of October 2020. 3. The target cohort refers to the subjects from whom the data would be acquired in the final biomedical application. It is mentioned for additional information as suggested in BIAS, although all data provi...
have been developed for in vivo In the past several years, various of MCAs based on Au and pre-clinical MRI/CT imaging with the purpose of ianncdreFaes3iOng4 the contrast of lesion, because these nanoparticles can offer facile thiol modification, enhanced chemical stability, excellent ...
werechosenrandomlytodesigntheCTimage—basedinterstitialbrachytherapyplan.Incontrast,therou— tinebrachytherapyplanwasmadefor20cases.Theprescribeddosewas28Gy/4fwithhigh—dose—rateintra— eavitaryirradiationandDVHwasadoptedtoevaluatebladderwalldose,rectumwalldoseandclinica1tar— ...
In patients with a small PDA, the chest radiograph is often normal. In contrast, enlargement of the left ventricle and main pulmonary artery is often identified in patients with a moderate size PDA or a small PDA associated with hypertension [1]. Echocardiography is the mainstay in the ...
A lower X-ray intensity does not affect the human body, but the CT images produced are of lower resolution and contrast and thus include noise in all physical measurements owing to the variability of statistical methods [6]. Obtaining such images with poor quality can be dangerous for the ...
capture global service events. Now, events created by CloudFront, IAM, and AWS STS are recorded in the AWS Region in which they were created, the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region, us-gov-west-1. This makes CloudTrail's treatment of these services consistent with that of other AWS global ...
Differentiation of noncalculous periam- pullary obstruction: comparison of CT with neg- ative-contrast CT cholangiopancreatography ver- sus MRI with MR cholangiopancreatography. Eur Radiol 2015; 25: 391-401.Differential diagnosis of periampullary carcinomas: comparison of CT with negative-contrast...