CT轴向男性腹部和骨盆 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 全身CT(淋巴结) 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 腹膜腔CT 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 PET全身扫描 PET-CT 优质会员 消化系统 插畫 优质会员 胸部、腹部和骨盆X光照片 放射影像学 免費 磁共振胰胆管造影 MRI 优质会员 盆骨 女性骨盆(MRI) MRI 优质会员 男性骨盆...
1.https://www.mdcalc.com/pecarn-pediatric-head-injury-trauma-algorithm#next-stepsKuppermann 2. N,et al. Identification of children at very low risk of clinically - important brain injuries after head trauma: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 20...
22.CHILAMKURTHY S, GHOSH R, TANAMALA S, et al. Deep learning algorithms for detection of critical findings in head CT scans: a retrospective study[J]. Lancet, 2018, 392(10162):2388-2396. 23.IRONSIDE N, CHEN C ...
KK NagyKT JosephRR RobertsCL LeslieK DuftyRF SmithJ BarrettJJ FildesJournal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical CareNagy KK, Joseph KT, Krosner SM: The utility of head CT scans after minimal head injury. J Trauma 1998; 44(2):429....
CT轴向男性腹部和骨盆 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 全身CT(淋巴结) 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 腹膜腔CT 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 PET全身扫描 PET-CT 优质会员 消化系统 插畫 优质会员 胸部、腹部和骨盆X光照片 放射影像学 免費 磁共振胰胆管造影 MRI 优质会员 盆骨 女性骨盆(MRI) MRI 优质会员 男性骨盆...
CT scans are commonly used in the emergency department (ED) to evaluate not only severe head trauma but also to detect intracranial injury in patients with less severe head trauma. However, the utility of routine CT scanning in patients with minor head trauma is controversial for both child and...
The above three clinical decision rules can be used for the decision of CT examination in Chinese children with head injury in practice. KEYWORDS: Children;Head trauma;CT examination;Clinical decision rules;Applicability;CATCH;PECARN;CHALICE Corresponding author: Feng Guilong,Email: moc.361dneirf8002...
Data was collected prospectively for patients presenting to the ED with Minor Head Injury. After clinical assessment, a standard CT scan of the head was performed in patients having at least one of the risk factors stated in one of the two clinical decision rules. Patients with positive ...
10、ense subdural hematomasubdural effusion occurred in aged patient or infant developed several days later after a head injury often bilateral spontaneously resorbed craniotomy, v-p shunt, meningitis also may cause subdural effusionsubdural effusion4 days later 10 days laterintracerebral lesions brain ...
CT轴向男性腹部和骨盆 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 全身CT(淋巴结) 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 腹膜腔CT 计算机体层摄影 优质会员 PET全身扫描 PET-CT 优质会员 消化系统 插畫 优质会员 胸部、腹部和骨盆X光照片 放射影像学 免費 磁共振胰胆管造影 MRI 优质会员 盆骨 女性骨盆(MRI) MRI 优质会员 男性骨盆...