due to the overlap of CT imaging features between COVID-19 and other viral pneumonia, false-positive cases of COVID-19 can be identified on chest CT. Nevertheless, considering the rapidly spreading epidemic of COVID-19, the...
COVID_CT_COVID-CT 共有 746 张肺部 CT 图像,其中新冠病毒感染的有 349,非新冠病毒感染的有 397 张,并提供了train、val和test数据的默认划分。此外,对于每个新冠病毒感染的CT图像,本数据集都给出了对应病人的基础信息描述(包括了病人所在地、年龄、病情描述、病史简介、发病时间与其他病症)。需要特别说明的是,...
多数感染COVID-19奥密克戎变异株的患者是无症状的。 感染奥密克戎的患者如果有症状的话,最常见的五种症状是流鼻涕、头痛、疲劳、打喷嚏和喉咙痛。 以往我们知道的COVID-19 肺炎(阿尔法、德尔塔变异株)的典型CT特征通常包括毛玻璃样密度 (GGO)、伴或不伴外周、...
该研究揭示了在老年COVID-19患者中,整体并发症负担与Ct值之间的关系受到炎症反应的中介,特别是通过白细胞和C反应蛋白。这一发现提示,针对具有高并发症负担的患者,综合免疫调节疗法可能有助于降低病毒载量,为COVID-19的治疗提供了新的视角。 研究解读 研究人员进行了一项回顾性观察性研究。获取了入院期间每次核酸检测...
Conclusion: Great similarity in CT radiological findings between the two COVID-19 pandemic waves was detected. However, the main difference between them was in the severity of lung involvement in different age groups and demonstration of atypical findings which was more c...
https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/COVID-CTset_part1/13668596 https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/COVID19-CTset_part2/13669969 https://figshare.com/articles/figure/COVID19-CTset_parts_3_5/14174606 One part of the dataset(sufficient for training and testing deep neural networks) is al...
The higher the prevalence is in a given area, the more likely it is that the highly sensitive but nonspecific CT findings represent a true case of COVID-19, that will eventually turn positive on RT-PCR. 所以说,某个区域的患病率越高,真正COVID-19感染患者越可能出现高敏感性但低特异性的CT表...
We achieved the classification of COVID-19 CT scans and non-COVID-19 CT scans and analyzed the development of the patients' condition through the CT scans. The average accuracy rate is 96.7%, sensitivity is 95.2%, and F1 score is 95.9%. Each scan takes about 30 seconds for detection. ...
根据一项新的研究,新的CT技术在识别具有持续COVID-19 症状的患者肺部的细微损伤方面优于传统CT。研究人员说,这项技术可以为越来越多的COVID相关肺损伤患者带来早期治疗和更好的结果。 北美放射学会 根据发表在北美放射学会(RSNA)会刊杂志《放射学》上...
多数感染COVID-19奥密克戎变异株的患者是无症状的。 感染奥密克戎的患者如果有症状的话,最常见的五种症状是流鼻涕、头痛、疲劳、打喷嚏和喉咙痛。 以往我们知道的COVID-19 肺炎(阿尔法、德尔塔变异株)的典型CT特征通常包括毛玻璃样密度 (GGO)、伴或不伴外周、后部和弥漫性或下肺区分布的实变、具有圆形形态的...