The radiologist may recommend premedication with corticosteroids if contrast is required and a prior allergy is suspected. Follow the protocol recommended by your radiology department. 如果您是眼科医生,请扫描下面的二维码关注我们,我们会每天与您...
Allergy to contrast agents. If an FDG PET/CT examination with intravenous CT contrast agent is strictly necessary the referring physician must indicate the premedication protocol to prepare the patient. Renal function. Creatinine and/or glomerular filtration should be evaluated, according to national gui...
Drugs for sedation (n = 556, 0.3%), premedication for known or suspected contrast media allergy (n = 416, 0.2%), or perchlorates for hyperthyroidism (n = 62, 0.03%) were also utilized, but rarely. In patients undergoing CT for suspected CAD, beta-blockers and nitrates ...
Allergy to i.v. contrast agents. If a PET/CT examination with i.v. contrast is required (see example above), it is important to be aware of any previous contrast reaction(s), which are classified as either idiosyncratic (anaphylactoid) or non-idiosyncratic. Premedication reduces the risk of...
In such cases, kidney function and history of contrast allergy should be verified before intravenous contrast injection. The administration of contrast media and premedication should follow local chest CT radiological protocols. If no diagnostic thoracic CT is available, it should be considered to ...