Some of the indications for performing a chest CT scan with contrast include the following; If cancer is suspected in the lungs on the chest X-ray The suspected parenchymal disease of the lungs Lung infections (COVID-19) or abscesses Suspicion of a tumor/cancer in any of the chest organ ...
CT扫描一般有两种,一种是不使用造影剂(contrast) 的“平扫”,另一种则是使用造影剂的“增强”,静脉注射造影剂(一般是碘造影剂,iodinated contrast media/agent)后,可以看到血流的变化,能够比平扫看到更多东西。 母语人士怎么说? 许多机构的网站在介绍“平扫”和“增强”的不同时,也没有采用 plain scan 这个术语,...
如果患者出现了可疑症状(如持续性慢性咳嗽或持续胸痛胸闷,再结合体重,吸烟或年龄等因素),美国医生开出胸部CT检查单的时候,通常会直接来个最高级别清晰度的检查,即Chest CT scan with contrast,目的是尽可能发现最小的结节,以及尽可能判断结节的危险度。在这种情况下,若还是没有发现结节,或者仅发现毛玻璃样结节且直...
Blunt aortic injury (BAI) after chest trauma is a potentially lethal condition that requires rapid diagnosis for appropriate treatment. We compared CT with IV contrast (CTI) with CT with angiography (CTA) during the initial phase of care at an urban Level I trauma center from January 1, 2010...
Erratum: ECG-gated chest CT angiography with 64-MDCT and tri-phasic IV contrast administration regimen in patients with acute non-specific chest pain (Euro... ECG-gated chest CT angiography with 64-MDCT and tri-phasic IV contrast administration regimen in patients with acute non-specific chest ...
quot;nPatients and Methods: We evaluated 32 patients who had pleural effusion from June 2005 to June 2006 in 22nd Bahman hospital in Mashhad Both contrast enhanced chest CT scan (with spiral CT scanner, PHILIPS, Mx 8000) and biochemical tests of pleural fluids were done for all patients. ...
早期诊断和预防对于降低冠心病的病死率非常关键。影像学在冠心病的预防及诊疗中起着重要作用,尤其是以CT为代表的无创影像学的兴起为冠心病的“防诊治康”全链条管理提供了重要工具。 冠心病CT检查技术 一、常规胸部CT检查 常规胸部CT检查可以显示并定量...
A deep learning-based fully-automatic intravenous contrast detection tool for head-and-neck and chest CT scans. deep-learningcnnctkeras-tensorflowcontrast-enhancement UpdatedAug 15, 2023 Python GhTara/Dose_Prediction Star22 Code Issues Pull requests ...
所以我的个人观点是:1. 我赞同对高危险人群 (如有长期吸烟史的老年人或者painter) 用低剂量胸部CT进行普筛。2. 我赞同第一次或第二次检测肺结节时就用最高清晰度的Chest CT Scan+ Contrast;根据结节危险度进行不同的处理方案。3. 我不赞同对结节进行频繁地监测。
Axial contrast-enhanced chest CT shows the mediastinal mass (arrows) composed of enlarged prevascular and right paratracheal lymph nodes. Lymphoma is the most common anterior mediastinal mass in a ...