Gabusi M, Riccardi L, Aliberti C, Vio S, Paiusco M. Radiation dose in chest CT: Assessment of size-‐M. Gabusi,L. Riccardi,C. Aliberti,etc.Radiation dose in chest CT: Assessment of size-specific dose estimates based ...
Before we examine strategies that may help reduce the radiation dose incurred by a given patient, however, it is important for all radiologists to be cognizant of the radiation doses associated with CT, understand why this is a concern, and appreciate the potential risks for a patient receiving...
Radiation dose reduction with a low-tube voltage technique for pediatric chest computed tomographic angiography based on the contrast-to-noise ratio index[J]. J L'association Can Des Radiol, 2018, 69(4): 390-396. DOI: 10...
影像评估显示,放射科医师更喜欢迭代重建影像。 Hwang HJ, Seo JB, Lee JS, Song J-W, Kim SS, Lee HJ, Lim CH. Radiation dose reduction of chest CT with iterative reconstruction in image space-part II: assessment of radiologists’ preferences using dual source CT. Korean J Radiol. 2012;13(6)...
胸痛三联征(chest pain triple‑rule‑out,TRO)是指表现为急性胸痛发作的3种疾病及并发症,包括急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)、肺动脉栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE)和主动脉夹层(aortic dissection,AD)。急性胸痛是临床上最常见的症状之一,是以胸痛为...
CAREDose4D联合CAREkV技术降低胸部CT扫描辐射剂量的可行性研究 基于KARL迭代重建技术对儿童胸部CT扫描方案的优化研究 胸部肿瘤调强放疗后放射性肺纤维化CT图像参数分级的剂量学危险因素研究 一种用于CT自动管电流调制模式与人体等衰减的CT剂量模体及其测试方法 低剂量CT扫描技术的临床应用 16排螺旋CT低剂量胸部扫描在肺结核...
The estimated size of chest lymph nodes and lung nodules seen on CT images varies significantly when the same nodes or nodules are examined using lower versus higher doses of radiation, a new study shows. The size of lymph nodes and lung nodules is an important determinant of treatment and ...
Age at chest CT 0 years0·440·44 5 years0·330·33 10 years0·330·33 15 years0·240·...
Radiation dose re 3、duction in chest CT: a reviewJ. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2008, 190(2):335 343. 【2】Reduction of contrast agent dose at low KV settings. White paper.Siemens.能级(keV)衰减(cm -1)33 keV病例-主动脉缩窄传统成像技术传统成像技术心率: 78100 bpm时间: 0.32 s长度: 144 mm...
Chest: 7 mSv, equal to about 2 years of background radiation Lung cancerscreening: 1.5 mSv, equal to about 6 months of background radiation Coronary angiography (CTA): 12 mSv, equal to about 4 years of background radiation Cardiac (forcalciumscoring): 3 mSv, equal to about 1 year of ...