Conclusion: Afebrile seizures in children less than 2 years old without documented trauma signify ominous risk of having abnormal CT Brain findings, intracranial bleed and suspected non-accidental injuries thus necessitate emergent imaging at presentation. Keywords: seizures in children...
Useful in diagnosis of intracranial bleed in acute head injury ii. Better demarcation of bony pathology iii Easy availability iv. Cost effective v. Less time consuming vi. Easy interpretationsDisadvantages of CT I. Poor demarcation 32、between gray matter and white matter ii. Less effective in ...
BRAINANATOMY Sagittalsurface Thalamus Latvent Genu FornixPituitaryglandMidbrainPonsMedulla CingulategyrusQuadrigeminalcisternSpleniumColliculi 4thventCerebellum Sagittalsurface 10 9 i.Pinealglandii.Sup.colliculiiii.Inf.Colliculiiv.Aqueductofsylviusv.Midbrainvi.Cerebellumvii.4thventricleviii.Ponsix.Oculomotornx.Inter...
Objective. Only limited data exists in terms of the incidence of intracranial bleeding (ICB) in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Methods. We retrospectively identified 3088 patients ...
Is CT Angiography of the Head Useful in the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury? Background Computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been increasingly used in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients to uncover vascular lesions that might have preceded the trauma and caused the bleed. This study ai...
(CT) scan revealing intracranial hemorrhage resulting from traumatic brain injury, a standard of care in many trauma centers is to schedule a repeat CT scan to rule out possible progression of bleed. 2015-3-21 .wondershare OBJECTIVE To evaluate the utility of ...
高血压脑出血(hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage,HICH)占自发性脑出血(intracranial hemorrhage,ICH)的80%,为脑卒中中病情严重的一个分类,死亡率和致残率均居各类型脑卒中首位[1]。脑实质基底节区为常见发病位置,约占全部HICH患者60%...
Diagnosis of cerebrovascular accidents and intracranial hemorrhage is the most frequent reason for a "head CT" or "CT brain". Scanning is done with or without intravenous contrast agents. CT generally does not exclude infarct in the acute stage of a stroke, but is useful to exclude a bleed ...
Although several methods have been described in the literature to segment intracranial hemorrhage, they all suffer from some major drawbacks such as failing to balance the trade-off between accuracy and time-efficiency, sensitivity to initialization states, and lack of evaluation on CT images from ...
BRAINANATOMY Sagittalsurface Thalamus Latvent Genu FornixPituitaryglandMidbrainPonsMedulla CingulategyrusQuadrigeminalcisternSpleniumColliculi 4thventCerebellum Sagittalsurface 10 9 i.Pinealglandii.Sup.colliculiiii.Inf.Colliculiiv.Aqueductofsylviusv.Midbrainvi.Cerebellumvii.4thventricleviii.Ponsix.Oculomotornx.Inter...