Background: The purpose of the present study was the evaluation of the image quality of polyenergetic and monoenergetic reconstructions (PERs and MERs) of CT angiographies (CTAs) of the head and neck acquired with the novel photon counting CT (PCCT) method in clinic...
It tilts the patient’s head forward to better match the brain anatomy with the scanners field of view. This minimizes dose exposure to the eyes and prevents patient movement. Software modules in the CT Neuro Engine Pro: syngo.CT Dynamic Angio –dynamically visualizes blood flow from the ...
Extended non-invasive examinations with reduced contrast volume have become feasible with the availability of 16 and 64 row MDCT scanners. Prerequisites to obtain high resolution CT angiographies of the head and neck vessels with superior detail include the administration of low contrast volume, high...
英文对照 Head Routine Scan 头部常规增强 Head Routine Enhanced Scan 头部动态增强 Head Dynamic Enhanced Scan 垂体平扫 垂体增强 Sella Routine Scan Sella Enhanced Scan 鼻咽部平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan 鼻咽部增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan 眼眶部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan 眼眶部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan ...
longitudinal relaxation time) 驰豫时间,简称 t1 spin-spin(transverse) relaxation time 自旋自旋(即横向) 驰豫时间,简称 t2spin-echo sequence (se) 自旋回波序列echo time 回波时间repetitiontime 脉冲重复间隔时间(tr)t1 weighted (t1wi) image t1 成像t2 weighted (t2wi) image t2 成像magnetic resonance angio...
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography 上消化道造影 Upper Gastrointestinal Contrast 全消化道造影 Full Gastrointestinal Contrast 钡灌肠造影 Barium Contrast of Colon 小肠低张造影 Small Bowel Enema 结肠低张造影 Hypotonic Colon Contrast 食道造影 Contrast Esophagography ...
头、五官、颈部: 头(head),脑室(ventricle),头部动脉造影(head aa), 头部灌注(head perfusion),垂体(pituitary),乳突、内听道(iac),眼睛(eye), 视神经管(optic),鼻咽(nasoharynx),鼻窦(sinus),喉(larynx), 甲状腺(thyroid),鼻骨(nasal bone),下颌骨(mandible),颧骨(cheek), 颈部(neck),颈部动脉造影(nec...
Utilization of CT angiography of the head and neck in the era of endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective study Emergency Radiology - To describe the impact of a new institutional Code Stroke protocol on ordering volume of head and neck CT angiographies (CTA), and to.....
Therefore, the aim of this head to head prospective study was to investigate whether the potential diagnostic value of 18F-FAPI PET/CT is superior to 18F-FDG PET/CT for HCC patients, and to explore the impact of 18F-FAPI PET/CT on the clinical therapeutic management of HCC. ...
HeadAngio 脑血管常规检查 CarotidAngio 颈动脉常规检查 ThorAngio 胸部常规血管造影 Embolism 肺栓塞扫描 BodyAngio 体部血管造影常规检查 RunOff 下肢全程血管造影更多的扫描程序介绍依赖于现场培训,用户可根据自己医院的工作流程,定义扫描程序的内容及排列次序,以便于工作。 Part 1: Examination-检查 31 扫描程序的修改...