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Abstract CT110: Intratumoral injection of SYNB1891, a synthetic biotic designed to activate the innate immune system, demonstrates target engagement in humans including intratumoral STING activationdoi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2021-CT110Introduction: SYNB1891 is a live, modified strain of the probiotic E....
Modified from Ref. [41] 的发展, 图像的空间分辨率越来越高, 体图像的大小呈 几何级数增长. 如对于直径25 mm,高50 mm的试件, 探测器分辨率为1024×1024像素时, 按直径尺寸获得最 高分辨率时(1个体素对应25 μm×25 μm×25 μm), 体图 像尺寸约为1000×1000×1000体素, 按8 bit灰度图存贮, 所占...
Lap times Best Filters Acceleration 5 - 60 mph4.3 s 0 - 30 mph1.5 s 0 - 40 mph2.2 s 0 - 50 mph2.8 s 0 - 60 mph3.4 s 0 - 70 mph4.3 s 0 - 80 mph5.2 s 0 - 90 mph6.4 s 0 - 100 mph7.3 s 0 - 110 mph9.2 s
A Dense-PSP-UNet model consisting of a modified Pyramid Scene Parsing module as the backbone of Unet obtained a high Dice coefficient of 0.913 ± 0.024 [69]. A unique framework was proposed to handle the problem of excessive computational and spatial difficulties in processing high-resolution 3D...
记录改良CT严重指数(modified CT severity index,MCTSI)评分,胰腺坏死程度(<30%、30%~50%、>50%),有无胆总管结石,有无主胰管断裂。根据MCTSI评分的计分方式及本研究患者胰腺坏死范围的差别在于≤30%或>30%,将MCTSI评分分为8分和1...
Modified dCas9–sgRNA-based label-free biosensors that was integrated by Uygun ZO et al., into lab-on-a-chip platforms to offer a significant benefits in the field of biosensors [98]. These technologies enabled quick and affordable measurements with small sample volumes. This work presented a...
# Modified for RHS Linux by Marc Ewing <marc@redhat.com> # # <service_name> <sock_type> <proto> <flags> <user> <server_path> <args> #服务名 socket类型 协议 动作 拥有者 服务进程路径名 掉用参数 #nowait 表示在相应一个网络连接之后,服务进程在释放旧的联接之前可以接受 ...
[66] demonstrated that their CNN-based approach achieved a high classification accuracy of 77.3% in identifying COPD patients from CT scans. Similarly, Xu et al. [70] reported an accuracy of 99.29% in identifying COPD using a modified AlexNet architecture. These results suggest that AI ...