Code to convert csv files of network into ml files for versions of the networkEmily Griffiths
Something like this: import csv import re from pykern import pkio path = '<file path>' res = [] with open(path) as f: for r in csv.reader(f): for idx in range(len(r)): r[idx] = re.sub(r'"|\n|\r|,', '', r[idx]) res.append(r) text = '\n'.join([','.join(...
*/defcomputeMetric(dataframe:DataFrame):Unit={// TODO: 缓存数据dataframe.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)// 需求1:查找电影评分个数超过50,且平均评分较高的前十部电影名称及其对应的平均评分val top10FilesDF:DataFrame=top10Films(dataframe)//printConsole(top10FilesDF)upsertToMySQL(top10FilesDF,//...
In general, the CFileCSV class has an acceptable time complexity and is efficient for working with files that are not too large. However, if you need to handle very large files, you may need to take other approaches or optimize the class to handle specific use cases. Usage Example //+--...
Starbucks challenge is a full stack data science project that was developed using CRISP-DM methodology. The data set contains simulated data that mimics customer behavior on the Starbucks rewards mobile app. - Starbucks-Challenge/profile_for_ml.csv at m
class CFileCSV : public CFile { private: template<typename T> string ToString(const int, const T &[][]); template<typename T> string ToString(const T &[]); short m_delimiter; public: CFileCSV(void); ~CFileCSV(void); //--- methods for working with files int Open(const string,const...
path = r'D:\ml_datasets\PHM\c6' def get_file(): #创建一个空列表 files =os.listdir(path) files.sort() #排序 list= [] for file in files: if not os.path.isdir(path +file): #判断该文件是否是一个文件夹 f_name = str(file) ...
1.直接用命令 2.用分割器分割,再用导入最后要commit,不然没有真的导入数据库中。...其中出现的问题:The MySQL server is running with the –secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement...【方法2...
Let’s discuss what aspects of the CSV files we need to concern ourselves with when ingesting them into Longbow for further use. For each file, we need to derive the following: The encoding used by the file (ASCII, UTF-8, etc.). Dialect used by the file (delimiters, quotes, etc.)....
This topic contains reference information and instructions for advanced techniques when importing data using CSV files. Configuration Settings Configuration NameData TypeDefaultDescription Setting Name string If the event type is custom event, and every row in your file has the same event name, specify...